Using MMI2 > Creating new charts > Transit Chart
Creating a Transit Chart

To create a Transit Chart use the File - Create New - Transit Chart command from the main menu.

A data entry form is displayed in which you must supply the information based on which the chart will be created.

The Required Information includes:

Transit Date

The transit can be either typed in ( e.g. 10/10/2000 , 5.7.2009 ) or entered using the popup calendar which can opened by clicking on the arrow that appears on the right hand side of the entry text box.

Transit Time

The transit time should typed in a 24 Hour format separated by colons. Hour and Minute are obligatory, Seconds are optional.
( e.g. 17:15 , 14:02:12 )

UTC Option

MMI2 will assume the date and time which you have entered are local as defined in your Windows regional settings.
If you wish to disable the time conversion for this Transit and consider the transit time you entered as UTC click the checkbox.

Selected Rave

An optional Rave Chart to compose with the Transit.

If the currently focused chart is a Rave Chart then it's name will appear as the first option in the list (in the example above the John Doe chart). The Browse command will let you look through the Chart Library to locate the correct Rave Chart.

Display Name

A name for this Transit Chart.