Rave Cosmology VII: The Nature of the Stars

10 hour audio course + ebook transcript

Topics covered: 

Finding One’s Star
Learn where your Design points to an influential star in your life

The Global Cycle
What the stars tell us about the coming cycle change

The Role of Neutrinos
What makes up the consciousness field?

Stars and Consciousness
Learn how the stars impact us individually and collectively

Supernova 1987A
What is its relationship to Human Design?

Timeline of Key Points in the ending of Humanity’s process
Dates keynoting specific changes to our world as we know it


Ra’s lifelong fascination with the esoteric, and specifically the stars, led him to investigate the nature of stars and their unique imprint on human consciousness through the knowledge of Human Design.

In Rave Cosmology VII: The Nature of the Stars, Ra takes a theoretical approach explaining the mechanism of a star and the reasons for its existence, going beyond the mythology associated with it.

Stars form the bedrock of the whole phenomena of the Maia that we experience; the product of stars is the neutrino, which creates a neutrino ocean built on data streams that are sourced to all the stars in the heavens. There would be no consciousness without it. We each filter this data stream in unique ways, which creates the illusion of our own particular consciousness.

Join Ra on his journey of investigating the impact of the stellar on our consciousness field against the background of cycles. Several of the main stars are discussed for the purpose of seeing their imprint on our body and personality consciousness.

This 11-lesson course (open the Lessons tab for lesson descriptions) is the seventh instalment of The Rave Cosmology Series—Ra’s most in-depth elaboration of the mystical and esoteric teachings The Human Design System has to offer. This 10+ hour audio course is accompanied by an illustrated ebook transcript (here's a sample).

Following are descriptions of the eleven lessons of Rave Cosmology VII: The Nature of the Stars

Lesson One: Aldebaran
In this first lesson Ra investigates the cycle of Aldebaran, a star in the Hyades constellation. Since the 1600s, Aldebaran has remained in Gate 16, the Gate of skills, and therefore has had a deep impact on the Cross of Planning and the development of technologies. According to Ra, Aldebaran is connected to the sciences, and the wisdom we gained from our exploration of the heavens. Moving through the Lines of Gate 16, the focus has been on the impact of Mercury and the Moon. Ra looks at how this affects those with a North Node/Moon/Aldebaran conjunction in their chart.

Lesson Two: Antares
70,000 years ago, Aldebaran, Antares, Regulus and Fomalhaut were in perfect alignment, and referred to as the four cardinal stars as they divided the sky into four parts. Much power was attributed to them in ancient times and they were fundamental to the intellectual development of their societies. This alignment was the beginning of trying to integrate the microcosm with something macrocosmic; these stars awakened our interest in framing the whole, to enclose consciousness within a system we could understand. Ra investigates the positioning of Antares in Gate 9, the Gate of details, another arm of the Cross of Planning found in the Quarter of Prometheus. Gate 9, as the ability to focus on details, has been the bedrock of scientific investigation. In addition to having the skills in the 16, Gate 9 lies at the core of this logical process and is a very powerful force that continues to influence our chemistry.

Lesson Three: Regulus
Regulus was seen as the guardian of the North and considered to be the great healing star by the Persians. It is the third cardinal star in the establishment of the framework of what we call our civilized consciousness history. Since entering our consciousness Regulus has been in eight Gates that are part of the Quarter of civilization and therefore has been a moving force in the evolution of our civilizations. That has been its key role and genetically, it has affected humanity in our readiness to commit, to search for answers about everything in our age. With the coming mutation in 2027, Ra speculates that when Regulus enters Gate 59, we are going to see the birth of a conscious Penta.

Lesson Four: Fomalhaut
Fomalhaut is another young star, about 200 to 300 million years old, and compared to other stars has a rather short life expectancy. What stands out about Fomalhaut is that, of the four cardinal stars, it is the only one that is not occulted by the Moon. And while the other stars have a unique relationship with the Moon, Fomalhaut does not. This has significance as the Moon is a great carrier of information and one of the dynamic forces of orchestrating life on the planet. Fomalhaut has been in Gate 55 since the beginning of the Cross of Planning and the advent of the seven-centered being, and therefore represents a mutative potential. Ra puts forward that those with the Moon in Gate 55 in conjunction with Fomalhaut need to be aware that this star is a trigger to closing processes, such as inner truth and fertility, and should therefore closely observe their own process.

Lesson Five: Spica
Because of its unique position close to the elliptic, historically Spica was a marker that was used to figure out the precession of the equinox. It is that precession of the equinox that lays the foundation for what we call Global Cycles. In this lesson, Ra examines the connection between stars, data streams, and the Nodes. The very heart of the way in which the Maia works is based on the Nodal positions in our chart as this indicates our trajectory in life. Ra explains how to use the Link Node as a key to finding one’s star, that one star that has a potential influence on one’s life. This class is about seeing one’s membership in a stellar family, and to get a feeling for the depth of what the Nodes represent. It focuses on understanding the significance of a stellar relationship to one’s Nodes, and how that carries on throughout generations.

Lesson Six: Vega
Vega is a superstar of enormous brightness. It has been a magical star in the sky longer than any other star and was given the name of The Messenger of the Light. Vega was the star of the ancient cultures that laid the foundation for the success of the seven centered being. Now positioned in Gate 54, the root of the strength of our immune system and our ability to defend ourselves, it is Vega, the great messenger of light, that closes the door by bringing darkness. This lesson begins with a brief discussion about sequencing, a way of describing a progressive program, through what today we refer to as the Tarot, and how this relates to Vega.

Lesson Seven: Rastaban
Ra starts out with a story about God, Noah, Rastaban, a dragon, the story of the Garden of Eden, and the snake in the garden. Rastaban is better known as Beta Draconis, denoting a snake, and it shows us where wisdom is hiding. It is streaming its data through the 5th Gate of life, where we can learn much from the hidden wisdom found within the cellular structure of plants. Rastaban in the Face of Prometheus directly connects it to the way our ideas work and how we transmit, the wars we are going to fight and what we will focus on. In this lesson Ra shares a different version of the story of the Garden of Eden which had its early roots in Persian/Egyptian mythology and can be traced back to Draconis. We learn that as the cycle changes, this is the Eden phase where we get the 61.1 key for the last time before it ends in 2027. This is our time to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge before the wisdom is lost to the consciousness of the universal mind.

Lesson Eight: Arcturus
According to the Voice, the stellar homes of the crystals of consciousness are Arcturus and Dubhe, and it is Arcturus that carried the crystals into this galaxy. As Ra puts it, it is the closest to anything embodying the beginnings of consciousness as it was around Arcturus where the crystals of consciousness were first organized. In the Face of Minerva and Gate 32, it is connected to our species’ fear of failure, death and destruction. Arcturus has been with us the whole way and is leaving its final data imprint before moving on to leave our galaxy. In this lesson Ra also elaborates on the process of death and the journey of the Personality crystal to reconnect to its original crystal bundle, and the formation of rogue bundles. What factors in our chart determine which bundles we resonate with and can therefore be manipulated by? This lesson introduces these various bundles and explains the potential of interaction.

Lesson Nine: Capella
Capella, not one, but two stars has been associated with wealth, the overflowing cornucopia. This is the endless potential of abundance that can flow out of this mythical horn. Ra looks at the role of Capella historically as a poster child of fertility, abundance and richness throughout the Cross of Planning, where its position has been in Gate 45. This Gate is associated with tribal wealth and strength which is based on education. But these are dying stars. What happens to this expansion of riches and knowledge humanity has had during the Cross of Planning? In this lesson, Ra delves deeper into what the Cross of Planning has brought us and what it means when the cycle changes.

Lesson Ten: Polaris
After a brief discussion of the birth of our Sun, Ra expands upon the importance of Polaris and its relationship to Rastaban. About a thousand years ago, humans began to notice Polaris, and it coincided with the beginnings of our first great voyages. Also called the Star of the North, Polaris literally opened up the world. It has been deeply studied and is an important key to humanity. Polaris is not exactly the North Star, but Ra shares a date it becomes exact, and the ramifications of that time. Not to propagate fear, he explains that we need to be aware of the great changes coming, and to understand how to prepare ourselves and our children to live in this new world.

Lesson Eleven: Sanduleak
Ending this course, Ra shares a story about supernova 1987A that was visible in the sky on February 24, 1987. Sanduleak is known as the progenitor of supernova 1987A and according to Ra, as the sister of our Sun, has been marking the life force on this planet. A supernova is the death of a star, but at the moment of closing out their existence the stars leave us something via the neutrino stream. The death of Sanduleak was the first time that neutrinos escaping the explosion of a supernova were captured and measured here on Earth. Many prophecies have been associated with this event and Ra believes it was a very profound instrument of informing that was going to set the wave. This event also marked the arrival of Human Design. This lesson ends with a series of questions and answers.

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