
Featured Offers

On this page you can browse our collection of special offers, all available at a reduced price. Each package focuses on a theme or series of products and can include a mix of audios, videos, and eBooks.

Once purchased, your products are immediately available from your library. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Showing 1 to 12 (of 24 items)
  • Just About You

    Just About You

    In this 6-lecture set, Ra covers Aura & Type connections, the shadow of Not-Self, Dietary Regimen and Environment, family and group dynamics, and how to live with the Program without being controlled by it.
    $116.00 $232.00
  • The Personality Profile Lectures

    The Personality Profile Lectures

    Personality Profiles are derived from Lines of the I’Ching, and reveal the Roles we are each meant to fulfill. Discover how the 6 Lines and Color Motivations are guides to uniquely expressing Personality.
    $147.00 $203.00
  • Mastering the Material Plane

    Mastering the Material Plane

    A comprehensive audio and video home-study package to help you discover money from a Human Design perspective and learn about your material success potential.
    $247.00 $321.00
  • Incarnation Crosses by Profile

    Incarnation Crosses by Profile

    This four-volume, 1200-page encyclopedia provides one of the most comprehensive explorations of the 192 Incarnation Crosses, Angles, and Profiles. Explore the quarters of Initiation, Civilization, Duality, and Mutation
    $247.00 $300.00
  • The Rave Anatomy Series

    The Rave Anatomy Series

    A comprehensive study that enables us to live a holistic life, The Rave Anatomy Series is viewed as a work of art that presents the culmination of Ra’s work with the BodyGraph.
    $497.00 $804.00
  • The 2027 Series

    The 2027 Series

    We can only prepare correctly for the future when we understand what is coming and what it really means.
    $147.00 $185.00
  • The Formats & Transcendence Series

    The Formats & Transcendence Series

    Learn how the Formats (Channels 9/52, 3/60, and 42/53) serve as the foundation of distinct energy flows in the BodyGraph and how the Individual, Collective, and Tribe can contribute to humanity’s evolution.
    $197.00 $291.00
  • The Rave Cosmology Series

    The Rave Cosmology Series

    The Rave Cosmology Series, which spans 7 courses and over 85+ hours of audio and ebook material, is Ra’s most in-depth elaboration of the mystical and esoteric teachings The Human Design System has to offer.
    $1,497.00 $2,079.00
  • Rave Anatomy 1: Mapping the Mechanics of the Maia

    Rave Anatomy 1: Mapping the Mechanics of the Maia

    The eleven lectures in Rave Anatomy 1 represent the culmination of Ra’s experience of the BodyGraph’s links to our anatomy. These lectures offer a deep dive into the BodyGraph in ways no other course or lecture does.
    $297.00 $407.00
  • Rave Anatomy 2: The Awareness Lectures

    Rave Anatomy 2: The Awareness Lectures

    The eleven lectures in Rave Anatomy 2 offer a deep dive into the innermost aspects of the BodyGraph, culminating in its connection to our potential for self-reflected consciousness, or awareness.
    $297.00 $397.00
  • The Wa Immersion | Complete Course

    The Wa Immersion | Complete Course

    This course is a comprehensive exploration of both fundamental and advanced aspects of the BodyGraph, examining Not-Self themes, DreamRave, cognitive potential, link Nodes, and the Penta’s conditioning force.
    $595.00 $695.00
  • The Rave History Series

    The Rave History Series

    History is marked with dates and events that were instrumental in shaping the world in which we live. Discover a different way of mapping out our past, and understanding it, through the Gates of the Rave Mandala.
    $347.00 $441.00
Showing 1 to 12 (of 24 items)