Topics include:
Two Themes of Sexuality
Learn about the unique ways in which the Sacral and Solar Plexus express
Waking up the Sacral
How to enter into situations that don’t need fixing
Attracting the Correct Forces
Understand the importance of entering into relationships correctly
The Generator-Generator Ideal
Learn why relationships are easier between identical Types
The Dating Game
Discover how Human Design can lead us to those who are most healthy for us
The nature of sexuality varies greatly among the different Types. And the primary difference stems from the Sacral Center itself, which is the core and essence of what a Generator is.
Through response, the nine Gates in the Sacral Center carry specific themes of availability or inaccessibility to another, depending on what is defined and therefore fixed in a Generator’s Sacral Design. These in turn assist Generators with both understanding and interpreting uniquely specific signals of response in order to enter into sexual and other experiences that are correct for them.
Sex and the Generator, a one-hour audio lecture that includes a new illustrated ebook transcript (here's a sample), discusses the nuances of how this not only applies to intimacy, but also extends beyond sexuality into all life responses.
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Topics include:
Two Themes of Sexuality
Learn about the unique ways in which the Sacral and Solar Plexus express
Waking up the Sacral
How to enter into situations that don’t need fixing
Attracting the Correct Forces
Understand the importance of entering into relationships correctly
The Generator-Generator Ideal
Learn why relationships are easier between identical Types
The Dating Game
Discover how Human Design can lead us to those who are most healthy for us