Incarnation Cross Clinic - Part 1: Lectures

1 hour 32 minutes + ebook transcript
  • 3 Types of Incarnation Crosses, and how they represent a path toward either Personal Destiny, Fixed Fate, or Transpersonal Karma
  • Integral role your Profile plays in the development of your Incarnation Cross
  • 4 Quarters and Mystical Themes of the Mandala that emerge through the Incarnation Cross
  • Importance of Outer Authority for the fulfillment of your specific Cross
  • The lifelong process of actualizing your Incarnation Cross
  • How the I’Ching hexagrams and Crosses form building blocks for humanity’s stages of growth
  • The process of “incarnation” and “reincarnation” through the perspective of Human Design, and how it directly relates to purpose
  • Introduction to the “Godhead

The purpose of Strategy & Authority is to make correct decisions and experience well-being. But is there a deeper purpose to our lives?

In living out one’s Type, the life-long experience of Signature and well-being is integral to experiencing the potential of Profile and Personality awareness. This manifests specifically through the themes of our Design and Personality Sun and Earth activations, also known as Incarnation Cross.

In the Incarnation Cross Clinic lectures, Ra Uru Hu explains how Incarnation Crosses set the frame for how everyone’s individual purpose is experienced throughout a lifetime. Exploring topics such as personal destiny, fixed fate, and transpersonal karma, Ra discusses each of the four quarters and their different mystical themes, along with how the gates of the I’Ching represent a function in the evolution of human consciousness. Additional exploration of the potential for Personality expression known as the “Godhead” is introduced.

The Incarnation Cross Clinic was a live event where Ra provided insight into the role our Incarnation Crosses play in the fulfillment of our purpose and potential for Personality expression. In Part 1, a 1-hour 30-minute audio + ebook transcript (here's a sample) lecture, Ra introduces the mechanics of Incarnation Crosses. In Part 2, Ra Uru Hu further explores the topic of Incarnation Crosses by analyzing 16 example charts, explaining how each functions differently based on Type.

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1 hour 32 minutes + ebook transcript
  • 3 Types of Incarnation Crosses, and how they represent a path toward either Personal Destiny, Fixed Fate, or Transpersonal Karma
  • Integral role your Profile plays in the development of your Incarnation Cross
  • 4 Quarters and Mystical Themes of the Mandala that emerge through the Incarnation Cross
  • Importance of Outer Authority for the fulfillment of your specific Cross
  • The lifelong process of actualizing your Incarnation Cross
  • How the I’Ching hexagrams and Crosses form building blocks for humanity’s stages of growth
  • The process of “incarnation” and “reincarnation” through the perspective of Human Design, and how it directly relates to purpose
  • Introduction to the “Godhead