Line 1 - The Investigator Personality

1 hour 20 minutes + eBook transcript

Topics include:

  • Personality Sun activated in the 1st Line
  • Characteristics of the Investigator role
  • Learn the 6 Color Motivations that influence the unique expression of the 1st Line process
  • 1st Line Personality includes Profiles 1/3 and 1/4

In Human Design, Profiles are derived from the 6 Lines of the Personality Sun activation. These 6 Lines bring unique characteristics to the expression of every Gate, and each Line takes on a different archetypal role.

The 1st Line Personality is the archetype of The Investigator and is the first of the lower Hexagram Profiles bringing the introspective process of research to establish a solid foundation. The fulfillment of this role is only possible when the Personality is properly motivated to search for correct information.

Join Ra in this discussion investigating the qualities of the 1st Line Personality, and the six different Color Motivations and Not-Self Transferences. If you have a 1/3 or 1/4 Profile, this lecture is most relevant for you. This 1-hour 15-minute audio lecture now includes a new eBook transcript (here's a sample).

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1 hour 20 minutes + eBook transcript

Topics include:

  • Personality Sun activated in the 1st Line
  • Characteristics of the Investigator role
  • Learn the 6 Color Motivations that influence the unique expression of the 1st Line process
  • 1st Line Personality includes Profiles 1/3 and 1/4