The Way of the Generator

4 hour audio course + eBook transcript

Topics & Highlights:

Surrendering to the Experiment
What gives Generators the power to transform at any moment?

Awareness of the Pull of the Sacral
The Generator’s key to making the right choices

Capacity for Awakening
The Generator’s access to truth in the moment

The Power of the Sacral
Becoming “the slave that breaks the chains”

The Best Use of the Generator’s Power
How to stop looking for what’s correct and let it come to you

Saying “Yes” to Waiting
Understanding the key to 3rd line mutation

Opening to the Purity of the Sacral
The importance of silencing the voice of the mind


Living our Design involves setting the mind and its Not-Self urgings aside, and relying instead on Strategy and Authority. It’s a process of learning to “surrender to the experiment”, as Ra puts it. That surrendering is particularly necessary for Generators in order to avoid the frustration they experience when the mind interferes with their responses. As Ra says of Generators, “the you, who you think is you, has no idea what’s good for you, what’s right for you, what will work for you. You’re only going to know when you respond.

Generators represent around 70% of the world population; that concentration of Generators means Generators’ ability to live and make decisions through the Sacral energy of their design has significant impact not just in their own lives, but on the world at large. When Generators are frustrated, the world becomes more frustrated; when Generators are satisfied, that satisfaction is transmitted to others.

With this course, you can explore the nine specific themes through which the Sacral Center guides Generators, and how we can use these themes based on our individual chart. The Way of the Generator is a 4-hour audio recording, which includes an eBook transcript (see sample), of a two-day program Ra taught to a live audience of Generators in 2002. The first day was devoted to “respond-ability”, the second to “secret binaries”. (Learn more under the Lessons tab.) The lectures take a deep dive into the challenges and opportunities of being a Generator, and what it means to us all when Generators do — or do not — learn to rely on their Sacral response for guidance.

Learn about the challenges and potential of Sacral energy, and how Generators can transform their well-being and the frequency of this plane.

The Way of the Generator was a 2-day program Ra taught to a live audience of Generators in 2002. Following is an overview of the teachings over those 2 days.

Day 1 | Respondability

The Strategy for Generators is to respond, but less known is the fact that each Generator responds to different themes. Additionally, each Generator has a unique but limited way of making decisions, depending on which individual Gates and Channels are defined in their Sacral Center. There are three basic Sacral themes: Initiation, Duality, and Mutation. Out of these three basic themes come the nine themes of availability that indicate how Generators are designed to respond. In this course, Ra takes you through an exploration of each Sacral Gate and Channel, giving you the keys to understanding a Generator’s way of response.

Day 2 | Secret Binaries

Generators literally generate life, and are equipped to respond to the world around them. They are here to fulfill their roles as builders with a sense of satisfaction and mastery. Because they are designed to respond, connection with the other is a key concept for Generators. Without the other, Generators cannot discover themselves and cannot wake up. In this class on Binaries, Ra examines relationship and response as the pathway for the Generator’s clarity in their process and their fulfillment in life.

Our goal is to guide you in your journey. We’re always available to answer questions about Human Design and point you in the right direction—toward products, articles, or free content in our media library that you may find helpful in your exploration of Human Design. You can contact us at

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Topics & Highlights:

Surrendering to the Experiment
What gives Generators the power to transform at any moment?

Awareness of the Pull of the Sacral
The Generator’s key to making the right choices

Capacity for Awakening
The Generator’s access to truth in the moment

The Power of the Sacral
Becoming “the slave that breaks the chains”

The Best Use of the Generator’s Power
How to stop looking for what’s correct and let it come to you

Saying “Yes” to Waiting
Understanding the key to 3rd line mutation

Opening to the Purity of the Sacral
The importance of silencing the voice of the mind