Group Mechanics: The Wa

1-hour and 30-minute audio + ebook transcript

Topics & Highlights

  • Our World as It Is — Learn why people can so easily get caught up in the energy of the Wa
  • The impact of Wa conditioning — Sometimes our actions are a result of the influence of the Wa
  • Decision-Making — Discover which situations offer opportunities for making the best decisions
  • Homogenization — Learn how to avoid getting trapped in the homogenization of the Wa
  • Working within a Wa — With awareness, your energy can be of benefit to the Wa

The Wa is a trans-auric form created from the auric energy of nine or more people. The Wa has a strong influence on each of us, as its energy impacts and homogenizes us, pulling us away from our Authority and our individuality. These large group energies are often found in our work environment, or any large social gathering we are part of.

With awareness, some people can be potential assets within these Wa environments, while others are not designed to be in and work within a Wa. This audio lecture plus ebook transcript (here's a sample) explains the Design of Wa and shows whether you have a place within a Wa. We cannot control the Wa, but we can recognize it and learn how to live within its influence.

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1-hour and 30-minute audio + ebook transcript

Topics & Highlights

  • Our World as It Is — Learn why people can so easily get caught up in the energy of the Wa
  • The impact of Wa conditioning — Sometimes our actions are a result of the influence of the Wa
  • Decision-Making — Discover which situations offer opportunities for making the best decisions
  • Homogenization — Learn how to avoid getting trapped in the homogenization of the Wa
  • Working within a Wa — With awareness, your energy can be of benefit to the Wa