The 16 Orientations of Awakening

40-minute audio + classroom screen recording + ebook transcript

Topics and highlights:

Left and Right Cognition
What cognition supported our species’ survival in the past, and why is the supporting cognition changing?

Your Unique Path to Awakening
Discover how differentiation is part of what makes us and our paths unique

Why the Program is Interested in Homogenization
What it means to be a nine-centered being in a seven-centered world

Your Inner Architecture for Cognition
How to find your “natural order” through Tone

The Mechanism of the Mind
The difference between relying on the mind for decisions and using it to watch your mechanism at work

The Radical Path
Learn why aligning yourself to your orientation is a radical path


What if there were a way to understand humanity based on different aspects of awareness? Human Design presents The 16 Orientations of Awakening, a way of organizing the consciousness field through differences in the way the Body and Mind operate holistically. By understanding that we each belong to a different Variable group, we can discover our own nuance of awakening, and the potential for unique expressions of awareness.

Join Ra in this 40-minute overview lecture on the Variable Consciousness field, and how humanity is laid out into 16 variations of transformation. Ra’s classroom annotations and highlights have been recorded in video format and included in this product. Your purchase also includes an eBook transcript (here's a sample) of the lecture.

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40-minute audio + classroom screen recording + ebook transcript

Topics and highlights:

Left and Right Cognition
What cognition supported our species’ survival in the past, and why is the supporting cognition changing?

Your Unique Path to Awakening
Discover how differentiation is part of what makes us and our paths unique

Why the Program is Interested in Homogenization
What it means to be a nine-centered being in a seven-centered world

Your Inner Architecture for Cognition
How to find your “natural order” through Tone

The Mechanism of the Mind
The difference between relying on the mind for decisions and using it to watch your mechanism at work

The Radical Path
Learn why aligning yourself to your orientation is a radical path