The Five Signposts: Measuring Transformation

5 hour audio course + classroom videos + eBook transcript

Topics include: 

Transformation is not random
Learn the specific steps to transformation

The path to health
What are the benefits of following your dietary regimen?

Being in the right Place
Why is the right Environment so important?

A unique Perspective
Discover how you can learn to see clearly

Distraction and Transference
The benefits of recognizing where we can go wrong


When we first learned about the conditioning we’d been subject to since birth and that it had kept us from living life fully as our unique self, there was an immediate recognition that this approach to understanding ourselves made sense. It explained why we felt such resistance to the rules and guidelines we’d been given all our lives.

Knowing you’d been conditioned all your life may have left you feeling a sense of loss at having been alienated from yourself for so long. Or you may have felt a sense of possibility that you had identified the issue and could now do something about it through experimenting with your Strategy and Inner Authority, the very first steps in your Human Design journey. But what else can we do to move beyond our lifelong conditioning and support the deconditioning process?

In 2009, Ra Uru Hu taught a 5-week course that offers a step-by-step guide to entering into our transformation from conditioned beings to unique and individuated nine-centered beings, and how to recognize the signs of our progress. Jovian is pleased to announce the new release of The Five Signposts: Measuring Transformation. This course consists of five one-hour lessons (open the Lessons tab for descriptions of each) in audio and classroom video format, along with an eBook transcript (here's a sample).

This course serves as a guide to fully clearing your system of conditioning, and the signposts you’ll encounter along the way. Ra notes that the process begins with “surrender to the experiment” as the first step to developing awareness. The moment we start making decisions aligned with what is correct for us we may feel a heavy burden has been lifted and we begin to trust the process, and ultimately ourselves.

If you’re ready to fully transform your approach from that of a seven-centered to a nine-centered being and experience the fulfillment of your unique Design, this is the course for you.

Step 1 | The Catalyst
The five signposts are steps in the nine-centered being’s process of transformation. For the adult, deconditioning is part of transformation, and in this course, Ra outlines the signposts of deconditioning that guide us in our process. This lesson begins with Strategy and Authority, the catalysts that are the first step in the refinement of the individual differentiated process. Learn why Strategy and Authority are necessary to transformation.

Step 2 | Primary Health System (PHS)
Once we are aligned to our Strategy and Inner Authority, the next step is the healing of the brain system. This healing is accomplished through our specific dietary regimen (PHS). When we eat correctly, our brain system is cleansed and nourishes those areas that support our uniqueness. To truly change our lives, we must start with the foundation of correctly nourishing our bodies.

Step 3 | Environment
The next stage in the progression of transformation is living in one’s correct Environment, which provides a place of protection from negative conditioning. During the transformation process, it is essential that we are nurtured from the inside as well as the outside. The correct Environment nurtures one’s well-being and enables us to establish healthy relationships with others. In conjunction with correct food intake, it helps us to process information with clarity.

Step 4 | Perspective
In addition to correct Nourishment, it is essential to see things according to our individual Design. This next step guides us in aligning our Perspective so we can conceptualize in a way that is unique to each of us, while the right Environment prevents our focus from shifting to things that are not essential to our process. In this lesson, Ra explains how Perspective can easily be distorted, and how we can recognize the distortions and develop a profound expression of the personality consciousness.

Step 5 | Awareness
We each express our cognitive potential through our particular Motivation, the underlying drive that moves how we conceptualize in a certain direction. The final step in the process of transformation is learning to rely on the deconditioning process to keep us from adopting a perspective that is counter to our natural way of seeing things, or Transference. Once we are aware of how to rely on our natural cognitive potential, and with the five signposts as guides, the deconditioning process leads naturally to awareness.

Our goal is to guide you in your journey. We’re always available to answer questions about Human Design and point you in the right direction—toward products, articles, or free content in our media library that you may find helpful in your exploration of Human Design. You can contact us at

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Topics include: 

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Learn the specific steps to transformation

The path to health
What are the benefits of following your dietary regimen?

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Why is the right Environment so important?

A unique Perspective
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