The Rave Anatomy Series


Topics & highlights:

The Senses of the BodyGraph
How do the Senses operate through the Gates and Streams?

Words: Their source and Power
What can the 11 Gates of the Throat tell us about our own Voice?

The Primary Gates of Action
How do they influence the Action of the Ego Manifestor and Emotional Manifestor

Survival and the Gates of Fear
Understand the quality and potential of fear in each Awareness Center

The Role of the Nine Fuels
Exploring the underlying dynamics that drive the energetic direction of the body

Gates that control Gender Differentiation
Understand the themes that operate through your Lines and Gates

Energy and the Memory Network
Recognizing how memory holds the Maia together

Understanding the Basics
The circuit board’s flow of energy is a foundation upon which to dive deep into the BodyGraph

The Beauty of the Root Center
Learn about the basic fuels that guide our lives

The Breakdown of Tribal Leadership
Understand the transition from Tribalism to Individual expression

The BodyGraph and Immortality
Discover the potential of immortality hidden within the Bodygraph

Fear and Intelligence
Why the Splenic System is the basis of our survival and our most primal protective awareness

Self-Reflective Consciousness
How the Ajna is both the seat of mind and our capacity to be self-aware

Maya: A Complex Binary
Exploring the juxtaposition of Personality and Design

The Synthesis
Discover how substructure and surface synthesize for a more comprehensive understanding


In 1994, Ra Uru Hu published a collection of graphics and keynotes he called “Rave Anatomy: Mapping the Mechanics of the Maia.” In 2007, he updated the graphics and recorded 11 lectures. This is available as Rave Anatomy 1 (RA1), which provides a deep exploration of the BodyGraph’s infrastructure: Gates, Channels, Streams and Circuitry, investigating surface mechanics against the backdrop of their underlying architecture.

In 2008, Rave Anatomy 2: The Awareness Lectures (RA2) was recorded as part of the larger Rave Anatomy program. These special lectures focus on the mechanics of Human Awareness, and how energy and information move within the circuit board of the BodyGraph to facilitate conscious awareness. Lectures also cover advanced aspects of chart analysis, and expand upon core functions of the BodyGraph essential for a deeper comprehension of its mechanics.

A comprehensive study that enables us to live a holistic life, Rave Anatomy is viewed as a work of art that presents the culmination of Ra’s work with the BodyGraph.

“Rave Anatomy not only takes us back to the basic infrastructure of the BodyGraph, but it reminds us that in the very beginning the great depth of this knowledge was there, and it’s not to be forgotten... this is where this ultimate illusion is, and where the story of the life is written. So, just understanding something as basic as ‘Action concepts’ can be very beneficial in both understanding oneself, but even more so in being able to be helpful towards others.”

The Rave Anatomy Series includes eleven lectures from RA1, and eleven lectures from RA2—for just under 22 hours of audio lectures, original and updated illustrations, and illustrated ebook transcripts. Open the details tab to learn more about each lesson.

Rave Anatomy 1: Mapping the Mechanics of the Maia

The Senses of The BodyGraph | RA1.1

We all have senses; we all smell, we all see. When looking at senses at the BodyGraph level they are used to keep us alive, alert and in touch—essential tools for survival that operate at a mundane level. This lesson explores the difference between the expression at the surface level and the underlying architecture. Learn about each sense and how we can align ourselves with the profound architectural level specific to our BodyGraph, so we can express our true potential for self-awareness.

The Word | RA1.2

The hub of the BodyGraph as the Center of manifestation is the Throat Center, and all of its 11 Gates are connected to the voice. The dominant way in which we are intended to speak is through those Throat Gates that are defined in our Design. It is essential for each of us to understand where our voice comes from in order to be aware of the keys indicated by the frequency and quality of the voice. Ra explores the difference between open and defined Throats, and how the defined Throat can get locked in and influence us through not-self strategies.

The Primary Gates of Action | RA1.3

The BodyGraph reveals that activity is controlled by three Centers: Emotions, Ego and Sacral. We differentiate between Tribal, Individual and Collective action, with Collective action pointed at progress, and Individual action focused on bringing mutation as its main drive and purpose. Ra elaborates on the primary Gates of Action operating out of the Throat, and the special dynamic between the 20/34 Manifesting Generator channel and the 43/23 Projector channel.

The Gates of Fear | RA1.4

Located in three Centers, 20 out of the 64 Gates are Fear Gates in which the chemistry of discomfort, alertness, uncertainty and other things are embedded. While these fears can influence through the not-self, they also have value as they force us to gain intelligence and strive to be better equipped. All three types of fear — survival, anxiety, and experiential fears — are pointed towards the development of certain sensory or cognitive capacities. Learn how to move beyond the not-self use of fears that control you.

The Nine Fuels | RA1.5

We carry within us two forms of pressure—mental and physical pressure. Physical pressure is based within the nine Gates in the Root Center. These pressures provide the fuel that carries the information for the energetic direction of the body. Join Ra as he examines each Root Gate and its specific pressure, providing the fuels that are fundamental to our life process. This lesson will help you gain a deeper appreciation for the often overlooked Root Center.

The Third Gate — The Power of Mutation| RA1.6

This lesson discusses the importance of Gate 3, for without it there is no change or mutation in life. The format energy at the source of the mutative process, Gate 3 organizes the abundance of data input and controls the movement of the genetic information throughout the BodyGraph. Through the Lines and Roles of Gate 3 we can find the thematic continuity as it operates through other Lines in our BodyGraph. Ra also explores the power of mutation and its role in leading us into the future.

Gender Differentiation Gates | RA1.7

When we look at mechanics, there is no gender differentiation as the Personality is a consciousness filter that works through either a female or male body. But it is a necessary component for a mutative evolutionary biology because its dual nature makes it possible for us to produce something new. In the BodyGraph, Gender differentiation works through six specific Gates that show how deeply it is imprinted on our consciousness. Ra offers a deeper understanding of how this differentiation is manifested in each gender, and how our minds get absorbed in the process.

The Memory Network | RA1.8

Memory is not just what we personally remember, it actually is what holds us together and establishes the Maia, the world we live in. Our capacity to remember is the bedrock of our self-reflected consciousness, and without memory there is no potential for humanity to transform. Ra notes that, on the whole, our collective memory is based on not-self distortion, which feeds the homogenized world. This lesson describes the Circuit attributed to memory, Gate by Gate, and gives us a deeper understanding about the importance of memory in our lives.

The Splenic Streams | RA1.9

Streams are the bedrock of understanding the BodyGraph and its energy flow. It is important to look at any Gate or Channel in terms of the Circuit and Streams they are part of, because the aspects that are not part of our Design draw us and show where we are easily conditioned. Investigating the Streams in the BodyGraph, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and of others who share aspects of our Streams. Ra looks at the three different Circuits out of the Spleen — Individual, logical Collective, and Tribal Circuitry.

The Ajna Streams | RA1.10

The Gates, Channels, and Streams within the BodyGraph are the limitations that lead to Differentiation, and give each of us a unique style through which we express ourselves. The Ajna Streams, moving from the Head Center, through the Ajna, to the Throat Center, show the surface level at which mind expresses itself through these three Streams, taking on the style dictated by each. This lesson investigates the limitations that lie below the surface and impact our mind’s expression. Ra uses various examples that demonstrate how we can realize the full potential of our style.

The Solar Plexus Streams | RA1.11

The Solar Plexus System brings deep complexity to our lives. As the Emotional Authority of the majority of beings on the planet, a great deal of distortion permeates its energy field. In this lesson, Ra looks at each Solar Plexus Stream — Sensitivity, Emoting, and Feeling — and investigates the inherent mechanics of the Emotional System to illustrate how we can see the beauty of emotionality when expressed at its most profound. A deeper understanding of this process is vital as it is the source of the human experiential way.

Rave Anatomy 2: The Awareness Lectures

The Centers of Sacral Resistance | RA2.1

The study of Human Design teaches us the values of the Gates, Channels, and Centers through an in-depth analysis of the database. With Rave Anatomy 2, we take a step back and look at the BodyGraph strictly as a circuit board—this shows us the basic flow of energy and information. Focusing on the Sacral Center, the very basis of life on this planet, Ra discusses its connections with and disconnections from the other Centers. He expands upon the three Centers of Sacral resistance and how they condition the basic drive for life. Understanding the nature of the circuit board, we can then see how it is framed by the unique imprints of each person’s Design.

Left, Right and Inner Hearing | RA2.2

Tone, the infrastructure or the architecture of cognition, is built on binaries which represent senses. One basic sense that is inherent in the whole cognitive architecture is Sound, or acoustics. Within the BodyGraph there are three main Gates involved in the mechanics of how we hear—the Gates of the right ear, the left ear, and the “inner ear.” Knowledge of these three Gates shows us how we can help transform the way in which the mundane plane operates. Also discussed are the “deaf Gates,” and three powerful mutative Gates out of the Throat Center. Understanding the mechanics and the correct expression of these Gates is important in order to grasp how mutation is operating.

The Nine Fuels | RA2.3

The Root Center fuels the potential for all actions in life, which are designed to help us master situations we may encounter—fuels that drive us, give us the vitality to survive and evolve, that help us to focus, to challenge, and to start things. Each of the nine Gates is discussed in relation to the Centers they point to: the Spleen, the Solar Plexus, and the Sacral. The Root Center with its pressures on all aspects of our lives is quite complex, whether it is defined or not. It is therefore vital to know how we can work with these diverse pressures in accordance with our particular Design.

The Fork in the Road | RA2.4

The fork in the road is found in the Heart Center—two Channels representing two types of Tribal leaders, which have ruled for the past 400 years: The Emperor or Empress/King or Queen, and the religious leader. For hundreds of years, the Tribe has used specific control mechanisms that were based on bargains. This is about to change, as the age of the Tribal bargain which has been at the root of our success is breaking down. We are already seeing the challenge to this power and its form of leadership; and after 2027, new doorways will open up, bringing change to this old paradigm. Individual role models, not Tribal leaders, will be of great importance in the new cycle.

The Mechanics of Immortality | RA2.5

A main drive of the seven-centered being was to look for a way to extend life. This potential for immortality can be seen within the mythologies of the Godheads of the early seven-centered beliefs. But the dilemma of immortality lies within the mechanics of our vehicles, as the bio-form is deeply fragile and demands constant nourishment and protection, with a focus on survival. The mechanics of survival lie within each of our Designs and are important to understand and follow, for us as well as future generations. But what about immortality? Within the BodyGraph there is a potential construct that could lead to immortality, but does that exist within the structure of our bio-form? This lesson offers an answer.

Splenic Awareness | RA2.6

The Splenic system is the most primal of the three Awareness Centers—instinctively and intuitively communicating to us in various ways. Anchored in Gate 50, the source of intelligent Awareness, the Spleen in its correct function alerts us to dangers and guides us towards well-being, while its seven Fear Gates provide us specific life challenges or themes to overcome through action. It contains the evolutionary patterns for the continuity of our species, if we just learn to listen. As an Authority, it speaks in the moment and demands our surrender, often without understanding why.

Ajna Awareness | RA2.7

The Ajna is the second in the evolution of the three Awareness Centers, and was the focal point for seven-centered function for thousands of years until 1781. Because of this, it has become the mental hub for not-self activity in the nine-centered being. And yet, it is also the seat of self-reflective consciousness. Though it is designed to run and manage our cognitive processes, it is at the same time a faulty decision-making tool, as it exists across all time and has no proper perspective in each moment. Though not an Inner Authority for our decision-making processes, it can be an effective Outer Authority for others. This lecture describes how the mind can be utilized either as an instrument of the not-self, or as a resource for others.

Solar Plexus Awareness | RA2.8

As the age of the Ajna ended almost 250 years ago, in 2027 we are entering the third stage of evolutionary awareness revealed through the Solar Plexus mutation. Though we do not know how this mutation will unfold, there are certain indications and planetary markers that are pointing the way. The Program is making way for the Rave, and the newly evolving awareness construct of the Emotional Center seems to be preparing for their emergence as a form of consciousness designed to work together in Penta groupings. This lecture covers this transformational process in detail, as well as describing how we can navigate it as human beings.

The Mystery of the G | RA2.9

The G is described as the Center through which we experience a sense of true self—an identity and direction that moves us along our trajectory. It is also the physical seat of the Magnetic Monopole, the energetic phenomenon that holds us together in a holistic frequency as a synthesis of Personality and Design. This lecture describes how the eight Gates of the G Center divide the Rave Mandala into eight symmetrical sections, and how these Gates attune us to our own unique frequency of identity. It is one of Ra’s deepest explorations of the true importance of this Center.

The History of the Types - An Evolutionary View | RA2.10

The evolutionary history of Type uses deduction and logical analysis to describe the mutational stages of Type development. While the earliest forms of five-centered life on our planet were inherently receptive, the first changes occurred as the Sacral and Throat Centers began to connect, and from the Reflector arose the seven-centered Manifesting Generator. This led to additional mutations and subsequent differentiation in the Manifestor and pure Generator Types. This lecture is a description of these evolutionary processes: how the mutation from five-centered to seven-centered resulted in cognition and strategic thinking; and how as a nine-centered being, the Projector has most recently emerged to learn from the past and guide this developmental process into the future.

Advanced Imaging - A New Synthesis | RA2.11

Maia Mechanics Advanced Imaging (MMAI) was developed as a tool to synthesize the deeper layers of substructure with the surface components of the BodyGraph, which has led to an emergence of more depth and accuracy in Human Design analysis. This lecture describes how MMAI maps out the PHS and Variable components, including Base, Tone, and Color, and how these impact a BodyGraph chart in even more powerfully nuanced ways. Graphic imaging also includes the Magic Square, read vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, adding even more layers of information. In this lecture, Ra synthesizes and explores them all.

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Products included in this special offer

  • The Senses of The BodyGraph | RA1.1

    The Senses of The BodyGraph | RA1.1

    This lesson explores our senses, both at the architectural level and, more mundanely, as tools that keep us alive, alert and in touch. Learn about each sense and how to align yourself with your architecture to experience life as you were designed.Topics covered: The Underlying Architecture of the B
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Word | RA1.2

    The Word | RA1.2

    The Throat Center is the center of manifestation, and each of its 11 Gates are connected to the voice. Join Ra in examining the difference between open and defined Throats, and how the defined Throat can get locked in to influence us through not-self strategies.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Primary Gates of Action | RA1.3

    The Primary Gates of Action | RA1.3

    Our activity is controlled by three Centers: Emotions, Ego and Sacral. Ra elaborates on the primary Gates of action operating out of the Throat, and the dynamic between the 20/34 Manifesting Generator channel and the 43/23 Projector channel.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Gates of Fear | RA1.4

    The Gates of Fear | RA1.4

    Twenty of the 64 Gates are Fear Gates. Fears can have a conditioning influence, but also help us live our Design as they force our intelligence to grow. Learn how to move beyond the not-self use of fears that control you.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Third Gate — The Power of Mutation | RA1.6

    The Third Gate — The Power of Mutation | RA1.6

    The 3rd Gate is the source of change and mutation in life. It is the controller of the movement of the genetic information throughout the BodyGraph. In this overview, Ra explores the power of mutation and its role in leading us into the future.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • Gender Differentiation Gates | RA1.7

    Gender Differentiation Gates | RA1.7

    Gender differentiation is deeply imprinted in our consciousness. Learn how this conditioning differentiation manifests, and how to step back from the not-self mind to live in correctness.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Memory Network | RA1.8

    The Memory Network | RA1.8

    Ra takes a deeper look at the nature of memory as a support in living our Design by holding us together and giving us the potential to transform. This lesson gives a deeper understanding of how collective memory functions, and of the importance of memory in our lives.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Splenic Streams | RA1.9

    The Splenic Streams | RA1.9

    Streams are the bedrock of understanding the BodyGraph and its energy flow, and can give us a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Ra looks at the influence of Individual, logical Collective, and Tribal Circuity.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Ajna Streams | RA1.10

    The Ajna Streams | RA1.10

    The BodyGraph’s Gates, Channels, and Streams are the limitations that lead to differentiation, and give each of us our unique style. Learn how to live out the full potential of your style.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Solar Plexus Streams | RA1.11

    The Solar Plexus Streams | RA1.11

    The Solar Plexus System is the emotional Authority of the majority of beings on the planet, and a great deal of distortion permeates its energy field. In this lesson, Ra uses the Solar Plexus Streams to illustrate the beauty of aware Emotionality.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Nine Fuels | RA1.5

    The Nine Fuels | RA1.5

    Mental and physical pressures are based within the nine Gates of the Root Center, and provide the fuel for the energetic direction of the body. This lesson will help you gain a deeper appreciation for the influence of the often-overlooked Root Center.
    $27.00 $37.00
  • The Centers of Sacral Resistance | RA2.1

    The Centers of Sacral Resistance | RA2.1

    Ra examines the essential flow of energy and information in the BodyGraph, exploring its nature relative to individual Design, as well as the three Centers of Sacral resistance.
  • Left, Right, and Inner Hearing | RA2.2

    Left, Right, and Inner Hearing | RA2.2

    This lecture describes the nature of Tonal cognitive architecture and its relation in the BodyGraph to the three “deaf Gates,” as well as to acoustics present in the three Gates of the left, right, and “inner” ear.
  • The Nine Fuels | RA2.3

    The Nine Fuels | RA2.3

    Explore in detail the nature of each of the nine fuel sources emerging from the Root Center, and the relation their nine respective Gates have to the three Centers they provide energy to.
  • The Fork in the Road | RA2.4

    The Fork in the Road | RA2.4

    After 2027, new possibilities will emerge for changing the old paradigm of tribal leadership to a new form of individualism. Ra describes the transition from the bargain of the past to the role model of the future.
  • The Mechanics of Immortality | RA2.5

    The Mechanics of Immortality | RA2.5

    Discover the difference between survivability and conceivable immortality in our Design, and whether the structure of our bio-form can support the BodyGraph’s potential construct that could lead to the latter
  • Splenic Awareness | RA2.6

    Splenic Awareness | RA2.6

    This lecture describes the first in our evolution and the most ancient of our three Awareness Centers, the Splenic system, as the very foundation of our ability to survive and thrive.
  • Ajna Awareness | RA2.7

    Ajna Awareness | RA2.7

    As the second in the evolution of the three Awareness Centers, the Ajna plays a key role in self-reflection, as well as not-self mental activity. Ra examines how it has been misused, and explores its potential as an Outer Authority.
  • Solar Plexus Awareness | RA2.8

    Solar Plexus Awareness | RA2.8

    The Solar Plexus is soon emerging as the third evolutionary Awareness Center. This lecture covers specific indicators that are already beginning to point the way for how this mutation will unfold.
  • The Mystery of the G | RA2.9

    The Mystery of the G | RA2.9

    The G Center is our Center for identity, direction, and love; but it also binds us together in a synthesis of Personality and Design through the Magnetic Monopole. This lecture describes how this process defines our individual uniqueness.
  • The History of the Types - An Evolutionary View | RA2.10

    The History of the Types - An Evolutionary View | RA2.10

    Ra describes deductively how the evolution of forms took place—from the original Reflector to the Manifesting Generator, followed by further differentiation into the Manifestor, (pure) Generator, and Projector.
  • Advanced Imaging - A New Synthesis | RA2.11

    Advanced Imaging - A New Synthesis | RA2.11

    This lecture describes how the underlying substructure allows us to concisely map the deeper layers of the BodyGraph, in order to more accurately synthesize the information contained in our unique Design.

Topics & highlights:

The Senses of the BodyGraph
How do the Senses operate through the Gates and Streams?

Words: Their source and Power
What can the 11 Gates of the Throat tell us about our own Voice?

The Primary Gates of Action
How do they influence the Action of the Ego Manifestor and Emotional Manifestor

Survival and the Gates of Fear
Understand the quality and potential of fear in each Awareness Center

The Role of the Nine Fuels
Exploring the underlying dynamics that drive the energetic direction of the body

Gates that control Gender Differentiation
Understand the themes that operate through your Lines and Gates

Energy and the Memory Network
Recognizing how memory holds the Maia together

Understanding the Basics
The circuit board’s flow of energy is a foundation upon which to dive deep into the BodyGraph

The Beauty of the Root Center
Learn about the basic fuels that guide our lives

The Breakdown of Tribal Leadership
Understand the transition from Tribalism to Individual expression

The BodyGraph and Immortality
Discover the potential of immortality hidden within the Bodygraph

Fear and Intelligence
Why the Splenic System is the basis of our survival and our most primal protective awareness

Self-Reflective Consciousness
How the Ajna is both the seat of mind and our capacity to be self-aware

Maya: A Complex Binary
Exploring the juxtaposition of Personality and Design

The Synthesis
Discover how substructure and surface synthesize for a more comprehensive understanding
