The Sun/Earth is 70% of who you are. This is your Profile. This is the costume, the grand role that you have on your Cross this time. Perfection is living out that role. And it's not even living out that role, it is the role living out through you and your uniqueness, because that's the real magic in all of this. We are all differentiated, we all have a unique capacity. Think about those people with exactly the same configuration as you, but they have different Colors. How different it is to see the world with eyes that see only fear compared to somebody who sees the world and they only see hope. And do you think they get along? They don't; they don't see eye to eye at all. It's our world after all.
Surrender is a wonderful thing because you surrender to the beauty of the limitation. This is a magnificent limitation. If you can only perfect the seeing that you were given to see, that is more than enough for all of us. It's the process. But how important it is to understand your underlying Motivation, because your being is the expression of your very nature. It's 70% of your imprint. When you have Color transference in terms of your being, this truly is part of just taking you away from who you are, and you can tell.
If you come in with a 1st Line, 1st Color in your Profile, it's a Profile of the Investigator, Introspection. And if you've got a 1st Color, what's underneath is Fear. You're here to be driven by your fears. Fear, not in the negative sense, but as the root of intelligence. There is nothing that is more frightening than not knowing, and this is the deepest driving force. But if you come into this life and you're here to express your Profile through a Motivation of fear, you end up transferring, you end up being needy. You end up looking for a master somewhere who's supposed to teach you what you are supposed to find out yourself,and your whole being is out of whack.
I've often described Profile as a costume, a costume that you grow into as you operate correctly. And every time the Color transfers, you get a little rip here or there. It's a real dilemma; you just don't operate correctly. And it's the other; you will not transfer there on your own. That's the thing to understand.
Excerpt from Generator Transformation: The Color of Envelopment
Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.
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