

Hello and welcome to the Design of Forms. Today we're going to take a look at the world of insects and the Design of insects.

I find them fascinating. I mean, when you look at the way in which all of the different forms are oriented, the insect and human are the only enclosed forms that take their information from the vertical feed. We're very much like them in some odd ways, and they have a very, very peculiar infrastructure or Design. That is, there is the presence of the 50/27, so there is the power of the Archetype that is there. There is the 15/5, this universal Channel of Rhythm and Being in the Flow. And then, there is the 10/20, what we, within our human context would call the Channel of Awakening, that is Behavior in the Now.

It is the most extraordinary thing when you look at their Design—that unlike us, there is no connection between the 20 and the 57 directly, there isn't. I mean, it looks that way, but it's not there, they don't have that. And by the way, if you are somebody who has the 20/57, the chances are that you're much more susceptible to bites from insects and to having reactions to bites from insects—mosquito bites that swell up—or just simply being attractive to them. Because of course, this is an element that is missing: that humans actually bring the bridge. This bridge often isn't the most pleasant thing for humans in terms of their relationship with the insect world.

The thing that's so incredible about the insect world, is that they are so unbelievably existential. I mean, it would shame Buddha—it is so existential, it is incredible because this is their existence. This peculiar Design configuration they have, there is this eternal now for them, it is their magic. I call it their "hum", this is what they're all about. This frequency in the moment, this frequency that is just there in the now, no tomorrow. In essence, a kind of perfection in existence. This perfection in the eternalness of the existential moment. Yeah, they're quite something, these insects. But keep in mind that if you're somebody that has the 20/57, don't go off into the jungle blindly. Certainly protect yourself and look after yourself because you're going to be very, very attractive to all of those insects out there.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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