North Node in 42 | Q4 2023


And on the other hand, we have the topic of the 42. What do I need to stop, actually? What do I need to bring to a proper end, to a proper closing in order to regain some of my resources? And that is not such an easy topic. I mean most people I have met along my way as a professional in human design, people have incredible difficulties, even if they have the 42 as an activation, incredible difficulties with endings, it is very difficult to end things.

And yes, for open spleens, it may be even more difficult. But let's be honest, I also have seen a lot of defined spleens who have difficulties with endings. So that means the axis for all of us presents a difficult or challenging topic. On the one hand, the readiness to embrace change, 32. And on the other hand, to end something. And this ending really needs an effort - to bring something to an end, it'll need an energetical input, an energetical investment.

And first of all, of course, the question, what should be ended at all? It's not only about the difficulty of the process; first, it's about the decision. Now depending on the situation in the bodygraph, it'll come out a little bit different. If one has the 53, then you are let's say notoriously starting things you do not finish, and that costs you a lot of energy. And then the 42 will lead to endings quite naturally because after all, that is closing the energy format of the cycle. And this means it cannot stand still.

So even if you have been stuck in the past, I have started this, I have started that, and I didn't finish, I didn't make the examination. It just never was closed, the cycle never was closed. The moment the channel is closing, it leads to a movement in your cycles of life. And here the chances are that very naturally, you'll finish something.

Excerpt from Peter Schoeber’s Transit Forecast for Q4 2023

Peter Schoeber

Peter is a 3/5 emotional Generator who began exploring Human Design in 1992, has been a professional analyst and teacher since 1995, and offers IHDS education in German language. He has been working with transits for over 25 years and brings profound insight on the impact of planetary forces as they move through the Gates of the BodyGraph.


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