Tantric Channels, Kundalini, and the “Divine”


We have a very interesting subject today that, because of its naming — I went through that particularly in the early years when I was first introducing Design and the people around me really didn't have the kind of knowledge base where I could fully explain the terminology to them. “Tantra” for most people is associated with sex. There were always these questions about what do you mean about these Tantric Channels, because of the way in which the naming was structured for the breakdown of the Circuits and the Streams, and then of course the Power Column through the center, the Formats, the Tantric Channels, the Role Channels and so forth. It ended up being one of those things at that point I really could never fully explain to them. I simply talked about the powering of the identity.

Traditionally, it is the application of divine energy towards purpose. It is very much a Seven-Centered concept, and as a Seven-Centered concept it was deeply connected with the Root Center. That is, it can be referred to as the center of Kundalini. For the Seven-Centered being, their tantra was actually rooted in the Root Center, the Root Center and its relationship to the Sacral Center. It’s why the heavy emphasis on a direction towards generation, rebirth, and the connection to sexuality within the context of the Seven-Centered being.

We will look at it next week when we look at the Formats themselves. Obviously, then I can only do a surface discussion as I've been doing with these various forces. For a number of years in Ibiza I did a series of lectures on Formats and they are actually incredibly profound. You can see the roots of Seven-Centered philosophies, magic, spirituality within the structure of those Formats. And by the way, they’re available at Channel 88. But when I refer to the Tantric forces, I'm actually talking about the Tantric forces as they apply to what is a Nine-Centered being. And for the Nine-Centered being it is the relationship between the Sacral Center and the Identity; that is, the Sacral Center and the G Center. This application of divine energy, you can substitute “divine” for “Sacral.” This is something that is very important.

I've been trying to reach out to the Generator consciousness for a very long time now. I have often referred to the — again the language is just relative — the divinity of what it is to be Generator. For me, if the evolving formula could be measured in terms of its higher achievements, the Generator is really something incredible. It makes everything possible. The world could exist, the whole process could exist without Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors. We (non-Generators) are not an essential ingredient. We are the happenstance of the way the binary formula breaks down.

But the reality is that you Generators are the center of life. It is the thing. And of course, for the Seven-Centered being, in terms of their relationship to finding the divine within themselves, this is what they were looking for. Their approach was that the way to find it is through the control and then release of the Kundalini, what is there in the Root, the adrenaline, the stress energy, and the pressure. And it's this pressure relationship with the Sacral that creates this divine power. We call it being a Generator. This is really the divine force.

If you think about Eastern mysticism, you will see it is rooted in an almost exclusive Generator framework. At the highest level is the understanding that one is here simply to respond to life. Not to control it; you don't mess with the river, you respond to life. And in responding to life there is this perfection. After all, this is what the Generator is for.

Excerpt from The Life Force: The Channels

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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