Dilemmas of the Mystical Way


So, we have a dilemma. The dilemma is that, well, it’s not a dilemma. I guess, in some ways, where I’m about to take you can be taken in quite pessimistically, or it could be depressing, I suppose, to think that the mystical process is at an end. What to do! It is. It is no longer going to be needed. It’s all about the 19; this 19th Gate of Approach, if you take a circuit and strip it of its pressure, there is no circuit.

If you strip the Mystical Way of the 19th Gate, there is no longer a mystical potential. And that means, not only does this side of the equation change but everything on this part of the equation is going to be impacted.

This circuit, the Mystical Way, obviously could have many names. You could call it the mystical way, the spiritual way, the holy way, the natural way, the this or the that way, whatever you want to call it. You can call it the Buddhist way, or the Hindu way, or the Jewish, Muslim or Christian way, you name it; you can put any kind of adjective you like in front of that “way.” And any of those adjectives can go there as long as the theme is one’s relationship with transcendent forces, whatever that may be.

That means that the Mystical Way can be devil worship, and it can be polytheistic, monotheistic, zilch-theistic, or whatever you want. It can be anything, and that is really something to grasp about us.

I got a wonderful email from an artist friend of mine, a graphic artist, and once a year he sends me an image as a kind of greeting. There is a drawing of a pope in front of this huge doorway. He’s got a megaphone in his hand and he’s shouting: ‘My God is better than your God.’ It’s hilarious for me when I look at the Mystical Way, to see that we all have the process built into us, all of us, and that there is no religion or spiritual philosophy that doesn’t fit into this Mystical Way. They’re all a part of it. It is the underlying mechanic.

That is what I hopefully was able to show you in the Bhan Tugh, that we have a vast collection of Gods and Goddesses on this planet. Basically, they can be grouped together into mechanical archetypes. And that it’s not about one being better than the other, or one belonging only to these people or those people, or whatever the case may be. It has always been there. It is the Mystical Way.

Excerpt from Rave Cosmology II: The Mystical Way

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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