The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix: The 20/34


In 2027, we enter into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, and it is enormously different because it is predicated on this definition—the 20/34.

This is deeply, deeply individual. It’s part of the Integration system. It is the backbone of pure selfish individuality. As a matter of fact, it is the 34th gate connected to the 20th gate that says “I have a headache” or “I’m too busy.” “Can I talk with you now? No, I’m too busy.” “Can I make love to you now? No, I’m too busy. I have things to do.”

It is a survival mechanism. It is a very existential in-the-now power to the Throat that is going to be a conditioning factor that is going to last for hundreds and hundreds of years, beginning in 2027. There is a huge mutation that is taking place at the same time.

Not only, in 2027, are we going to change cycle, we're going to move away completely from this tribal nature. We’re going to move away from the bargain that has held us together in our relationships. We’re going to move away from the bargain that has determined the nature of our relationships through the material demands of life on this plane. We're going to move away from the dependency that we have on those relationships because it is no longer going to be the background frequency. We’re going to enter an age that is incredibly individual in its nature.

When the knowledge was given to me it was clear that it was given to me for children. That it was given to me for the future, so that those beings that are going to live the fullness of their lives in the next cycle are going to be equipped, and they're going to be able to operate correctly.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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