Beyond Form: The Rave's Conscious Evolution


We’re moving away from the form experience in the world and we’re moving to the consciousness experience beyond the world. That’s the potential of the Rave, to be a component of a consciousness experience that is beyond the form, not interested in the form, not interested in the demands, or needs of the form other than to maintain the strategic capacity of that particular Penta.

Gathering, to gather and to think of gathering in the way in which I described it, locus, gather; whatever is in their zone they will take in. Whatever is there they will take in at every level they will take it in. Who knows, they may be able to take in nutrients in that way. I don’t know. I was never told anything in that sense about their eating process other than that meat was something that simply could not and would not be a part of it. How that mutated stomach is going to operate, I don’t know. How they’re going to be nurtured, I don’t know. They will be, the material capacity of the Penta will guarantee it.

This Circuit really expresses the depth to which this being is dedicated to something that is not itself. I love the Matrix movies. In the Matrix movies the machines reduce human beings to being a battery, kind of an odd thing, for its energy. And the Rave, from our point of view, the Rave is a hard drive attached to a Penta. That’s the thing that’s so incredible. Us, as humans, we’re into software. We want to do something with the stuff we have. It’s why the not-self mind is so powerful, we want to do something, we want to do things, and this is us; strategic—climb every mountain.

Wow, is this different from us, it’s almost pathetic. The Rave by itself, talk about pathetic. Kill it before it multiplies. In Sparta they’d put it on the side of the hill and in five minutes it’s gone. It’s more sophisticated than a battery, much more. It still is a limitation because you have to feed the damn thing. The Penta doesn’t care; the Penta isn’t aware. This is simply the material strategic intelligence at its best. It’s not awareness; there are no awareness centers in a Penta configuration. It’s not aware of its parts. The parts are aware of it.

Penta is something; I guess you have to have some kind of imagination or experience or whatever to begin to feel this thing. It’s not a form, it’s a trans-auric form; it’s just an energy field, a frequency field. This is where the consciousness is playing out. This is very sophisticated. It’s much more sophisticated than us, in which the consciousness plays within the frame of the box, inside the construct of the brain. And only crudely gets out because we can speak.

We need to see how totally different all of this is, because in building this story, —and I have been building this drama now for a long time, many, many years I’ve been talking about this—I have put so much focus on the emergence of the Rave itself. In many ways I did so for a number of reasons. I wasn’t ready to introduce Penta knowledge; I wasn’t ready to introduce mystical Penta knowledge on top of that. I wasn’t sure that anybody would actually be interested, frankly. What I started with was letting people know that there was going to be the emergence of this new species. But the truth is that what we have to deal with as a new species are not the parts, it’s the quantum.

If we are truly going to understand Rave, we have to understand not simply the individual Raves and the way in which they will link together in a Penta, but we need to truly grasp what this conscious Penta is capable of to recognize its Personality because that’s who we have to deal with, because that is really the mutation. That’s what it’s all about.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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