The Power of the Right Environment


And when I say what you're here to look at, that’s not just a physical context. It is also an intellectual context, what you’re here to ponder, to muse; all of those things are a byproduct of you being in the right place, being pointed in the right direction of the fulfillment of your story. The storyline closes with acute perception. This is what the storyline is intended to bring. You start off your life with Strategy and Authority and Dietary Regimen, and then you have a 20 year run, this aligning of your Perspective, honing it deeper and deeper and always because of the advantage that you're operating from a secure and correct foundation. That really leads to awareness, it simply does.

This is the tripartite life. This is what you talk about to somebody who's a 6th line being, the three parts of life. Environment is not something that you can ignore other than if you're not interested in awareness. You can’t. And it’s not like you have to leave the city you’re in or the place you're in, necessarily.

As I said, all of these various Environments can be deconstructed and can be found in any location. It's simply about recognizing what is correct for you, and when it is correct for you, I can only do what I always do: I can ask you, invite you to experiment with your Environment, and when you're ready to do so. And to do so in the same way that you entered into your Determination, in the same way you entered into Strategy and Authority. You entered into an experiment that if it was going to work for you, you’re going to stay with it—because this is a way of life, to be in the right place, to eat correctly, to operate correctly as a being is a way of life. It is not something to be dabbled with.

The Right Environment Will Take Pressure Away
And like anything else, it takes time. Everything takes time. You need to establish yourself. So, one of the things that is important for me to think about when we come to the end of this today is really to think about this Right-ness and what is supposed to happen to you when you're in the right environment. For me, this is the most important thing. The right environment will take pressure away from you. It’s one of the first things that you are here to feel as an impact. In other words, that taking pressure away can make you feel very relaxed, very comfortable, suddenly secure, all of these things that I've been talking about today.

But it needs to be an environment that you can feel is relaxing you. This is where you belong. And it doesn’t matter whether you might be somebody who has a Left brain and you've got a Right Environment; these are different things. This is your storyline. And if you have a Left Perspective and you have a Right Environment doesn’t make any difference, it really doesn't. It just means that your relaxation is ultimately going to lead to a focus on something. It just will.

And the passive way that you deal with your environment, and when I say passive all I mean is that if you're a Right Environment person you're not the one that should be rushing off to see somebody else. They should be coming to see you. You're an attractive force, you have to grasp that. All Right-ness attracts, it just does. And you have to allow the right forces to move towards you. The way you do that is you make sure that the environment is correct. If the environment is correct, it’s going to do its filtering for you, and it’s going to take the resistance away.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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