Everything about the split definition is that they're here to teach relating. But they do it in different ways. The bridge split says that you’ve got to be able to do this. The broad split says you’ve got to be able to give this. We have an enormous problem in the nature of communion. Human beings operating out of mental authorities are full of fears. Relationships, whether they are going to succeed or fail, can be very threatening. There are all kinds of pressure that is attached to these things.
And of course, most human beings are not-self so they end up with the most negative aspects of what the lack of bridges mean for them. How important it is to understand if you're a split definition the importance of the correctness of the bonds that you enter into, because this is the only way in which perfected relationship can actually emerge. Only split definitions can teach this. Nobody else on this plane is equipped for it.
If they’re not aware, then we're going to have nothing but problem relationships. Yet at the same time, you can see that it takes a great deal of awareness to be able to come to grips with your design as a split. It takes awareness. It takes real awareness to get past the traps of the bridges as conditioning traps to begin to see that this is what you're here to master and teach in the way of relating.
None of the rest of us, none of us single definitions, triple splits, quads—we are incapable of evolving in terms of relationships; incapable. It's not our responsibility. It’s not built into us. It puts enormous pressure on that 46% of humanity who are split definitions, because the responsibility then becomes theirs to make the relationships work. And of course, it goes back to what I began with. It is a very difficult thing. Only the split definition can see a relationship as bringing wholeness. Nobody else can.
It makes it very difficult for them, particularly the not-self, when they’re dealing with single definitions or triples and they're looking for that mirror of value in the relationship and don't find it. And because they're not aware, they don't do what's necessary to make the relationship viable. They just don't. A lot of it is just plain fear. But the trap, all these years that I've been working, the one thing that is so obvious to me is that everything is conditioning. And conditioning is so profound and so deep. You take any split definition with single bridging and I will show you how powerful that conditioning has been in determining their lives.
And yet, you can turn that around. You can turn it around. You can begin to see the beauty of that openness. You can begin to see that what’s available as education for split definitions is education that we all need if we’re going to continue to be viable in this pair bonding process that we have as a bio-form. The more awareness that comes into the lives of split definitions, the greater the potential of transformation in the way in which we relate to each other
Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.
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