Increasing Tariffs


Through the 40-37, we have had what is called free trade. Basically, the globalized economy and the opening up of a world in which there are no tariffs. Since the Second World War it’s the thing that has made it possible, for example, for Asia to be able to rise up.

The fact is most people don’t realize that in 1945, a country like Korea actually had more poverty than a country like Zimbabwe, which is really amazing when you think about it. This whole transformation in the way in which the global economy has operated, the way in which all of these things have been opened up—you can see the pressure right now in the United States.

The Canadians feel this because there is a huge pressure in the United States to buy American cars now. They’ve got this cash for clunkers. The thing that you hear in the background frequency is: ‘Yeah, this is great, but it should only be for American cars.’ You get this closing off.

One of the natural things we’re going to see over the next 18-20 years is more and more countries adding tariffs, bringing protectionism into the way in which they operate. In the end, this hurts everybody. There is always the illusion when you’re in that country that this is the best thing that you do for yourself.

One of the things you’re also going to see is an enormous transformation in the acceptance of immigrants anywhere.

Excerpt from You and the Program, recorded on August 11, 2009

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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