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There’s always people who come up to me or write to me and want to tell me their stories. Mystical experiences, esoteric experiences, unusual experiences that they’ve had.
It often seems that the stories have overwhelmed them, as if somehow there was something missed or there was something not grasped. See, I was never interested in those stories. It's ironic because I have one of them.
I think the most profound thing that I've learned is that where you live awareness is in the most mundane and ordinary things. This is where awareness belongs.
It isn't about, those special moments, the satoris, the this and that. Yes, all those things have their drama, there's no question about it. Many of them have great beauty to them, and the experiences are extraordinary. But then, what happens? They’re lost, they haunt these beings.
Because you see, it is here in this life on the mundane plane, the basic things, friends, family, love, all of those things. It is the day to day, it is whatever the world is for each of us.
I look out at the commonality of humanity and I see the potential of extraordinary uniqueness, and that extraordinary uniqueness does not need to live out in some kind of vast drama. The mundane is so rich, it is full of all the drama you will ever need, it's perfect.
See, I think awareness is ordinary. I think it's a basic right of human beings to be aware, and in that awareness everything that you touch in your life is enriched.
And your process itself is so deeply fulfilling because it's not as if you're waiting for something to happen. It's not as if that thing that's going to make the difference is somehow there around the corner and all you're doing is treading water. It's all these moments in between where awareness shines because they take on the magic of what life is really all about.
Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.
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