The Door Closes in a Few Years


The glue of the Cross of Planning has held together our lives for the last 400 years. But there will soon be no inherent need, drive, or purpose fulfilled through coming together to protect that way of life. This means we will basically end up with a breakdown in the way in which society is going to function.

We’re not going to live in an age of innovation the way we know it. The age of innovation is now, and we’re in such an incredible place now that anything is possible for the next several years until 2027.

So we have a few years to close the door. There’s only a few years for science to verify the Magnetic Monopole. This is the current global program. This is the moment for allowing knowledge and truth to come pouring out so that the essential truth can be achieved now, because you can’t get it later.

It’s why Human Design is here. It’s the manual for the future because it’s the mechanics of the maia, and it simply works.

And this whole epoch will disappear. It will take longer on the surface to see it happen. So it’s not like overnight all these institutions we have established over the last 400 years are simply going to fall apart. But they will begin to deteriorate at a rate that is even faster than they’re deteriorating now. And as you’ll see as we get into the information, there will be other things that are at play in all of this.

But this era of ours is so beautiful, you can see the gift of it. Truly, you can. How much knowledge has been brought into the world is really the key. This epoch has brought us all of the benefits of what communal intellectual work can bring—the scientific factories, the universities worldwide pumping out all of these information beings. The glory of what we have succeeded in is slowly disappearing. And all the things we have taken for granted about the way in which we understand our nature, the way we understand the world, and the way we understand what we need in the world—all of that is going to fall apart.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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