The Wave of Hope and Pain


There is nothing that has greater impact in Human Design than the Solar Plexus Center. The Solar Plexus is the place of our emotional nature. The Solar Plexus system, the emotional nature is a motor, a very powerful motor. The motor of the emotional system operates in a wave.

Each of the awareness Centers has a unique frequency. The Splenic Center, the immune system, operates in the now, spontaneous and existential. The mental awareness, the Ajna Center operates over all time. But the Solar Plexus operates in a wave. According to the knowledge that I was given, the Solar Plexus began a mutative process several thousand years ago towards becoming a complete awareness, spirit awareness, spirit consciousness.

This potential lies deep beneath the surface motor of the emotional system. Only when the emotional system is properly understood, only then will it be possible for that spirit to begin to emerge.

The wave of the motor is a wave of hope and pain. It is a wave that goes up to a peak of hope where everything is wonderful and then goes sliding down to a place of pain where everything is horrible and goes back up again and it never stops. We are moving in space and in fact, this wave is a spiral.

It is an endless spiral for the emotional being. The spiral of always moving from hope to pain and back again. To be someone with a defined emotional Center, is always to be experiencing life from some point along that wave.

In terms of Human Design analysis, whenever there is the presence of a defined Solar Plexus, this is automatically the Authority in the chart. It is automatically the Authority in the design, Inner Authority, where you can make reliable decisions, yes or no, about anything. Emotional Inner Authority, is based on no truth in the now. It is a wave.

The emotional person wakes up in the morning and they are at the high end of their wave. They feel terrific. Everything looks better. The light is wonderful, their furniture, their clothes, the dog, their lover, whatever the case may be. They feel terrific. They go outside, they feel wonderful. They meet somebody, whether it is personal or business, whatever the case may be. In that moment of feeling wonderful, it is so easy to make a commitment. It is so easy to jump and say "yes", "I'll do that", "I'll do this", "I'll be with you".

Only to wake up the next morning and the wave has moved and no longer are they in this place of hope and excitement, but they are sliding downward into this place of pain. Then they think that all of that was a terrible mistake and they never should have gotten involved and how are they going to get out? No truth in the now!

Clarity is something for the emotional person that is based in waiting out the wave. It is not about jumping at either end. It is not jumping in desperation at the low end nor jumping in excitement at the high end. It is about waiting out the wave and it is extremely difficult for emotional beings to do that.

Human Design is about mechanics. This is not about controlling anything. You cannot control emotions.

The frequency of the Solar Plexus Center is neither operating in the now nor does it operate over all time. It operates in a wave. The Solar Plexus Center releases a wave pattern that we experience as a cycle from hope to pain, from expectation to disappointment, from joy to despair and back again. Our evolutionary step is about recognizing the wave pattern, accepting it and eventually transcending it. This is laying the foundation for spirit to emerge. Understanding the frequency of the emotional motor is a prerequisite for creating emotional stability.

The most important knowledge in this time is to understand the nature of the emotional system so that the planet can find inner peace. When this knowledge is spread and we start being aware of our emotional wave, the whole vibration of the earth will change.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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