How to Nourish Your Difference


The right dietary regimen enhances the neural development. It doesn't close it down. Because what's happening to you when you eat according to your dietary regimen is that you're taking in precisely what is correct for you to nourish your difference.

The moment that you don't follow the dietary regimen it is no longer nutrition focused on your difference, it's nutrition that's going everywhere and isn't necessary; so you end up with digestive problems, you end up with weight problems, you end up with all kinds of problems associated with food as the child matures and the neural shutdown begins to close down. And the homogenized world begins to creep into the life.

This is something that's so important to understand. Most people don't realize that every child has the potential to be especially intelligent, truly; it's built in. As a matter of fact, what is normal for a Nine-Centered being is far better equipped than anything that we have seen emerging on this plane. And the only thing that stops it is the homogenization, the homogenization of the psychology, the homogenization of food.

You have a problem if, as a parent, you want your children to fit in, you want them to be like everybody else, in a way. You don't want to be embarrassed. You want them to be ok, you want them to be normal, you want them to be all these things. Human Design does not nurture normality.

If you're going to be a Nine-Centered being you're not here to be a sheep. You're here to be unique — this is the opportunity, this is the potential. It's about being unique. It's about understanding that as a parent you're an ally to the potential uniqueness of your young, and that has not ever been the way.

This is not about conformity. This is not about following Dr. Spock's instructions on how you raise a child. This is about understanding that you have an opportunity to nourish a unique being. Everything that a nine-centered being needs to start their life, during the first 30 years of their life it’ s only two things: to know how to operate in the world according to what is correct for them, their Strategy and Authority, and how to nurture themselves correctly.

Excerpt from Birth to Saturn: The True Self and Diet

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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One of the most extraordinary things about the knowledge of Human Design is understanding that each of us have a unique way in which we are designed to take nutrition into our body.

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