Profile is an extraordinary thing. It is really the costume of life, it is the costume of your purpose. And in saying that, it is something to grasp about the nature of Profile. Everyone, no matter who they are—whether they are involved in Human Design, or operating according to their Strategy and Authority, or whether they are Not-Self and homogenized—everybody has a relationship to their Profile and their Profile is something that they deeply recognize.
The fact that one recognizes one’s Profile is not the same as actually living it, and living it with the full potential of what is there. Obviously, that full potential is more than simply the recognition of whatever the Profile points to, but it's the natural expression of one's uniqueness that ultimately comes through that role. We’re all given, in that sense, a basic role type. This is what you find in your Profile.
We have 12 Profiles, and each one tells a story. They tell a story through all their (12) relationships as they move from one to the other. These 12 basic roles are roles that are lived out throughout life, throughout the planet. And so understanding Profile is something that is of great importance, not simply to yourself, but in being able to have a basic grasp of how to deal with the other.
In grasping Profile, you understand the easiest way in which you can communicate with the other by understanding their basic role, by understanding their basic nature. It is in this communication that most healing truly begins. Without the communication, without the understanding, without being able to make sense or to know what is going on it is very, very difficult for the healing process.
So Profile is something that is essential to us. It is part of our basic makeup.
Excerpt from The 1/3 Profile, The Angles & Profiles Video Series
Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.
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