The Human Experiential Way


I’m somebody who is very much interested in and has investigated rather deeply the evolutionary process, and the evolutionary process as it’s seen through mechanics. It’s clear to me that the advent of the nine-centered being in 1781 was not something that came fully dressed. That is, the full potential of the nine-centered being was not available a couple hundred years ago and it was clear that this Pluto interregnum between 1781 and 2027 was really almost like a gestation for the nine-centered being.

When I look at my encounter and the revelation of Human Design, one of those unasked questions is why that wasn’t there in 1781. Because so much of what's possible now wasn't possible then, and most of that has to do with what's going on in the Solar Plexus Center. Basically this Pluto interregnum is changing something that is really fundamental. This movement here is the human experiential way and it’s been a subject of a number of things that I have talked about relative to the transformation that we are going through. The human experiential way has been impacted by the transiting of Pluto as Pluto moves through the wheel. And remember that Pluto was in the 41st gate in 1781, the initiating codon and it’s again going to be in the 41st gate in 2027. So, we’re really getting into this Pluto interregnum.

One of the ways in which we are so deeply impacted on this plane by the emotional field is that the human experiential way travels through the emotional plane. That is, it is a stream that operates through and has the Solar Plexus Center as its core. Everything about the human experiential way, that is, this movement from the initiating codon in its fantasy, that fantasy that becomes a desire, that desire that becomes a very, very powerful urge that ultimately can be fulfilled through manifesting. That it is along this human experiential way that everything about the nature of life has been determined; that is, life as far as we understand it. And it’s been determined rooted in the emotionality of the Solar Plexus system.

Excerpt from Emotionality in the Time of Mutation

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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