Trans-Auric Forms Condition Humanity


The reality is the world is dominated by trans-auric forms. Most of the things we think are ugly in human beings aren’t in your personal chart, have never been in your personal chart. But they come alive in trans-auric forms. We are all born in Pentas — we live in them, we create them. We walk around in Wa’s. We’re in a Wa in this room. Trans-auric forms have a way in which they condition humanity.

For me, Rave Sociology is very important to understand the way in which we are conditioned. Everything about Human Design, everything I’ve been teaching all of these years is about conditioning. After all, this is the Maia. The Maia is this vast, dense conditioning field. The moment you understand how trans-auric forms operate, you can really begin to understand the world around you and why human beings are the way they are.

Most of the time, we’re so busy looking at a person and saying ‘you’re to blame.’ The moment you’re in a family situation, the moment you’re in a group of four people that are enjoying themselves at a table in a restaurant, you’ve got different rules. They’re totally different. They’re so different that it’s almost frightening, in a way.

Something to understand about us is that we assume that we’re at the top of the heap. The vanity of the mind that we control things, and all of this stuff. But the reality is we’re being controlled by things that we cannot see or have no conscious access to, that the average human being has no fundamental awareness about at all. Think about what it’s like to go home, to go home to your original family.

Think about how you feel when you go back into that environment. Think about all the things that come back that you don’t like, all of those things that are suddenly there in your personality that you thought you had left behind, that suddenly returns. That the way in which you’re being dealt with is no different than it ever was regardless whether you’re 12, 50 or 80. This is the program. This is what Penta does.

Excerpt | Group Mechanics: The Penta

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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