Parvati: Pressure and Stress


Excerpt from Face 11: Parvati | Lesson 8 of Quarter by Quarter: The 16 Faces of the Godhead

If you listen to my radio show today on stress, it was inspired by preparing the illustration for Serin. You’ve got five Root Gates. So, the first thing to understand about sweet old Parvati is that she is a chemistry of pressure and stress. There is a disproportionate stress that is placed on the female of the species. It’s the first thing to grasp about this.

This chemistry is in everyone. But the aspect of this chemistry that demands devotion to the spouse, and I’ll explain why, which is a sacrifice for the female principle, is that that devotion to a spouse which is in their chemistry and means one thing, is in the male chemistry and totally means another thing. For the male, it is freedom, in a sense, not to be correct or balanced in their relationship with the female. And there is a sense that the female must because it is ingrained in every male—this chemistry is in every male—that the female is supposed to be devoted to them. It is the female that facilitates the marriage. Is the female the mistress of the home? Yes.

Devotion, facilitation to marriage, fertility—there is an enormous pressure placed on being able to establish what the lifecycle on the planet is. We saw with the 10th Face that the material dimension is something that is essential because we have the demands of the long nurturing process of what it is to be human. But how are you going to maintain that? How are you going to maintain these bonds? How are you going to hold these bonds together long enough?

And you see, the program doesn’t throw dice. It’s the one thing that—well, more than one, be nice Ra—Albert got right. It doesn’t throw dice; the dice are loaded. It knows precisely because the program is set. And it’s set against the yin. Now when I say “against” this is a duality. Someone had to have one side of the tension of a relationship and someone had to have the other side, let’s put it that way. And it is the yin that ended up paying the price for this. The price for this, by the way, is males that do not appreciate females. Males that take females for granted, that’s the price. Males that abuse females, that’s the price. And little girls that aren’t educated, that’s the price.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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