The Bargains of the Background Frequency


It’s interesting to note that the moment we entered into the Cross of Planning we had the largest population explosion in our history, which will crash the moment that the Cross of Planning is over, because the Cross of Planning is the only thing that will provide for the 59-6, the making of more and more. If you’re going to make more, you need houses, schools, teachers. You need to be able to provide. You need all of that to be organized. All of that comes from the 40-37. It’s a background frequency.

So, all of us, in that background frequency, our civilization, the way in which it has been developed has been on this bargain. Think about this city [Toronto]. There are about five million people that live here. So that means every morning, there are five million people that need to have certain basic things. They need to have their breakfast. They need to be able to get to a job that exists, in an environment that is maintained, and on and on. All of that is done through bargains.

Bargains that Maintain Our Well-Being

Those bargains are the bargains that maintain our well-being. There are farmers somewhere who have truckers who are able to bring that produce into the city, bring it to those places where it is distributed and put into the various stores, shops, the restaurants, that you can get it to your table.

I live in one of these huge condominiums. Just to maintain a building like that, to be able to maintain the lives of all those people in there, we take that for granted. We take it for granted that the bargain is an eternal bargain. We forget that before the time of the Cross of Planning, none of this could exist.

There were certain barter mechanisms, but basically everybody dealt within their little Tribal grouping. And it was within that Tribal grouping that they looked after the things they needed to look after, but they couldn’t get all the other stuff that goes with it, the accoutrement of a modern society and all of the things that are available here. All of this is maintained through that bargain.

Excerpt from the upcoming release You and the Program

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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