Addictions to the Sacral


Hello, welcome to all of you to today’s lecture. It is a significant subject to me. I’ve spent my life as a Manifestor and have a completely undefined Sacral Center — no activations in the Sacral whatsoever. I’ve been very aware all my life of the influence of Generators. My mother is a Generator, I grew up with Generator siblings, I have been connected intimately to many Generators in my life. I’ve been living with my Generator partner for 25 years, I have three Generator children. I certainly understand the dominance of the Generator in this life.

After all, nearly 70% of humanity are Generators, who are the life force. All of us Projectors, Reflectors, and Manifestors, who have undefined Sacral Centers, are always dealing with the same dilemma. We’re dealing with an incredibly powerful conditioning force.

Non-Sacral Addiction

One of the ways I want to look at this today is to take a kind of radical perspective to see the relationship between non-Sacral beings and the Sacral world as an addiction. I think it’s very important that non-Sacral beings really understand how powerful the addiction to the Sacral Center actually is.

When you’re looking at the Sacral Center you can see it is a very powerful force; there are nine different potential activations out of the Sacral Center. In relationship to potential activations, only the Throat with its eleven Gates is more complex. And when you’re dealing with the Sacral Center you’re dealing with this fundamental energy for life.

The Projector and the Addiction to the Sacral Center

Each of these nine Gates literally represents an addiction. We all have our relative addictions, and we all have addictions to the Sacral Center to varying degrees. The addiction of the Projector to the Sacral is perhaps the most profound of all. Imagine what it's like to be a Projector. If you look at the way in which you’re designed, look at the easiest way that you can connect to the Sacral and that’s your addiction.

If you've got a few of them, it gets more complex, because it really is. And it’s not just simply that that’s a bridging Gate that is going to allow you to be able to energetically involve yourself in whatever, the reality is that it really is an addiction. It is something that you depend on.

If you look at your undefined Sacral Center, there are those of you that will have an undefined Sacral Center with a certain number of hanging Gates, either conscious or unconscious. Or you’re going to have the Centers that connect to it—the G Center, the Spleen, the emotional system, and the Root Center—with Gates that are hanging out of those particular Centers that point at the Sacral. Because wherever you look in whatever direction, those Gates that are going to hook you up to the Sacral are Gates that are going to have an enormous influence over the way in which your life operates.

Excerpt from Sacral Conditioning: A Guide to Non-Sacral Beings

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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