The Penta and Materialism


Philosophically, in my life I have listened to all sides of the discussion of human materialism, material societies, hyper material societies, material-less societies, the arguments back and forth about the nature of materialism. Regardless of the outcome, regardless of the political derivatives, the capitalist, communist, socialist, whatever, it seems so fascinating to me that the burden is placed on us. The assumption is that materiality is somehow an obsessive burden. It appears that way in our world. We are in a world that survives only through materialism. If you are a bioform, it’s not possible to do it any other way. It is a material plane, we are material forms, we need material to survive, and on and on.

But again, the assumption is that that's about us. That somehow it is our deep motivation, that we are driven to succeed on the material plane—it is not true. As a matter of fact, since 1781, none of those beings born that are Right sided are designed to be material, none of them are designed to be strategic in the way in which they operate on the material plane. It's not true that this is what we are—this is what the Penta is.

The Penta is only interested in one thing: material. And then you understand why it's the bedrock of our programming. The moment that you have young, they have to be cared for. The species will not survive, there will be no evolutionary process. The first business is the family. The first business is shelter, food, clothing, all of it in industry, all of it in a single direction, the direction of survival.

And Pentas are very efficient if they're functional. They're incredibly efficient because there is no this or that, there is just one drive moving them forward. Every piece of energy, every aspect of what the frequency of this trans-auric entity is, is all focused in one direction. In fact, this is the great weakness of the transpersonal. Their weakness is our strength.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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