Unnecessary Pain


It’s there when it’s there and it will make a difference to anything that you’re experiencing. And you get there by trusting in yourself. The moment that anybody can give up attaching reasons to chemistry is the moment that you really begin the journey of an aware being on this plane. It is such a beautiful thing to be aware. You do not have unnecessary pain.

Think about all the pain generated by the identification with chemistry. There is so much psychological pain. It’s almost unbearable to even imagine how much there really is. All this blame, all this fault, all this shame, all of these things that come with it. And it’s just chemistry. If you take away the reason, you’ll see that it all disappears. It does.

It becomes a joke. That’s my black sense of humor, but I enjoy that. I enjoy living my sadness and knowing that because there is no reason, it’s not sadness. I only use that word because it’s what we associate with that chemistry. But for me, it’s not sadness. For me it’s a physical state, it’s like a drug in your body. It’s just something different, and it’s something that is very natural. So, it’s just what it is, and you watch what happens through that particular frame.


I would never want to get rid of it. I would never want to trade it in for happy or whatever the not-self mind thinks would be a valuable replacement, because it’s perfect. It’s what happens to us when we’re aware. This whole finger-pointing in life at ourselves, at others, disappears. Things are what they are. It’s not about changing them, it’s about being aware of them. It’s not about changing us. It’s about awareness. This is what we’re here for, we are here to be cognitive beings. We are here to express the incredible potential of the machinery we’ve been given, the brain system and all of these things. We’re amazing creatures.

All of that gets lost under this intense cloud of the not-self Personality and all of its woes and all of its needs and all of its fears, and all of those things. You can strip clean through that. At the physical level you follow that Strategy and Authority, it will make decisions for you as you. And psychologically, you let go; you let go because you know. You let go because you get it, that it doesn’t mean anything other than pain to bring some kind of reason to what is just simply a natural, physical phenomena.

The Most Creative Thing Is to be a Unique Being

And then we can begin to experience a creative life and a creative world and creative interchange, all of the things that are there in the circuitry, that creative direction that belongs to all of us so that we get beyond the stasis, that we open up the possibilities of what each unique being is here to fulfill, that we are grounded on our creativity, that this is what we’re all about.

Excerpt from Melancholy & Creativity

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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