All Roads Lead to the Throat Center


Ok, good morning to all of you. You can see that the subject today is a lovely one. It is so interesting for me going back to the original Rave Anatomy text and seeing where my priorities were at that time. After all, it was put together in the early ‘90s. In laying it out, I was laying out the basic infrastructure of how I would teach people the nature of the BodyGraph.

The Throat Center

The moment that you look at that, you have to see that it is about the Throat Center. The Throat Center is really one of these fantastic things in the BodyGraph. In the early days I described it as Rome in the sense of the saying that “all roads lead to Rome”. When you look at the Throat Center, it’s a real hub of the BodyGraph. Manifestation, and I don’t mean Manifestors, everything about life is about life manifesting on this plane. And the whole theme of manifestation, everything we understand about manifestation, we find here in this Throat Center. And yet the Throat Center is so different from all the other Centers, it really is very different. It’s different in a couple of ways.

The first thing is the understanding that we’re dealing with the most complex of all the Centers. Not only is it the most complex of all the Centers, but if you look at the Gates themselves, you’ll see that they run in a band throughout the Quarter of Civilization. In other words, all of these aspects are in one Quarter of the wheel itself. The Quarter of Civilization is all about the establishment and the maintaining of the form principle on the planet. In other words, through the thyroid, in that sense, through the Throat, we see the ability to manifest form on the planet.

And not only that, but in looking at it, understand that all of these eleven Gates, every single one of them, is connected to the same biological function. It’s not like the Heart Center with four Gates and four very distinct biological associations, one for each Gate. In other words, the deep complexity of a Center that even though it only has four Gates as compared to the eleven here of the Throat Center, it has much more complexity at the biological level—the stomach, the heart, the gall system, the T cells—you look at that and you think each Gate representing that kind of biological information. And here, it’s just one thing.

Our Voices

Something to recognize about this unity is that this unity can only be found in one thing and one thing only. The unity of that single biological association is found in what we call the voice, or in what we call the way in which language comes out of us.

When I first began my own studies of the BodyGraph, I was fascinated that human beings had no idea of where their voice came from. It was the first thing that was so clear to me. If you ask any child where their words come from, they will tell you their words come from their mind. That’s what they’ll tell you because that’s the way in which they’re conditioned.

Yet, when you look at the BodyGraph and you look at the potential of voice and you see the potential of voice in relationship to mind, only three of those eleven Gates that have words, in that sense, are derived from the mind. It’s one of the first things to come to grips with. For anyone who is beginning any kind of study in Human Design, so often things are just sort of mechanically recognized. In other words, here is the Throat, it has eleven Gates, and each Gate has a voice. But the thing that is so profound in all of this is to begin to understand what it means to listen to what is your true voice, and to understand where it comes from.

Excerpt from The Word | Lesson 2 of Rave Anatomy 1: Mapping the Mechanics of the Maia | Soon to be released individually

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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