This is the Science of Differentiation. Here is the opportunity to really begin to see Profile and to really begin to see the costume. It’s one of my favorite things to think about when you think about Profile, it’s a costume. You know what that’s like—you watch a film and so much about the way people are dressed is telling you things, and it’s designed to tell you things. They have designers who struggle creatively to create images so that people will grasp things from those images. These are costumes; it’s so much a part of the Role.
Profile is like that; it is a costume. I talk about how when you start your process your costume just doesn’t fit properly. You know, the sleeves are too long, I don’t know, whatever, it just doesn’t fit. It takes time, it takes great serendipity. The choicelessness of fractal lines to have the good fortune of being able to wear it, to really be able to wear that costume and it’s wonderful and it fits, and it’s you. You know that feeling when you put on a piece of clothing that you know is really you, it’s just you. Well, that’s what this is about. And it’s about seeing that that “you” is something that is very, very, specific.
Ok, let’s take a look, because this is something we’re going to look at over the next weeks, let’s go back here for a moment and take a look at these terms and begin to have a sense of them. We’ve already looked at—because this is just an overview—roughly at what Teacher is and how important it is to recognize that without the purity of this Motivation it’s very difficult for us to move information across generational lines, to break through barriers of resistance and ignorance.
It is something to understand about this driving force that is there, that is this 1st Color Motivation, this 1st Color Determination. To really grasp that this is not simply about one’s own potential to master or to make sense of or to come to grips with the nature of one’s environment, but also built in is the need, the drive, the force, if you will, to share that with others, to empower them, whatever language that you want to use depending on the way it works in Design, after all. There are all kinds of different teachers, in that sense. We have a dilemma with mind in Human Design because as not-self, it really destroys our possibility to be able to perfect our process.
But once you’ve entered into a process where your Strategy and Authority is making the rules for your life there are all kinds of possibilities then for the mind. It is its freedom. And this freedom is to be an Outer Authority, what you get from me. That is, my mind has value for you. It does not have the same value for me. That is, my mind does not tell me what to do so it is no longer my Inner Authority. It hasn’t been my Inner Authority for two decades now.
But it has a wonderful Outer Authority. And of course, that’s what it’s all about. It’s about understanding that when you look at the Teacher and you look at this as a Motivation and you look at this as a Motivation for the Personality, because for the Design side it’s simply a natural gift in terms of the vehicle that the gifts are there, the skills are there, the basic tools are there to be able to fulfill that process.
But mentally is the opportunity to outsource it, to be able to put it out into the world. Of course, this is where the dilemma of Transference comes in because we don’t have the teachers that we need, it’s so obvious. The teachers that we do have are trained in Teacher’s schools to all teach the same things in the same ways. These are not teachers. They may be motivators, they may be socially valuable, and so forth and so on, but this is not what being a Teacher is.
Excerpt from Rave Cosmology VI: Profile, Purpose, and Function
Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.
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