Human Design Parenting Guidance


"Your children are not your children; they are life longing for itself."
Khalil Gibran

Imagine a world where children grow up appreciated and respected for who they are, feeling secure in themselves instead of learning they should be something other than what they are. Imagine every child’s true nature nurtured from birth.

Would you like to see how Human Design can help you focus on your children and teach them how uniquely special and gifted they are? How you can recognize your children’s inherent skills and uniqueness, and truly support them to grow up being themselves?

I have been doing readings for many children. I have always been involved in teaching young people and as a parent am deeply concerned with the healthy development of my own children. Human Design and its basic truths and values are not limited to adults. Children have the capacity to quickly grasp their Design… Give a child you know and love a special gift: their own Design and a guide to help them begin to explore it themselves.

~ Ra Uru Hu

All of us want to belong on a deeper level, and we all feel that deep longing to know our place. Since we are here, we have a part to play in the grand pattern of life. Truly belonging requires we play our authentic role—or we risk feeling hollow, lost—as though we’re not living our purpose. That feeling of belonging requires self-knowledge and self-acceptance, nurtured when we’re taught how to live honoring our nature.


Human Design Parenting

Ra introduced us to one of the most important topics within this System—Human Design Parenting. This knowledge is primarily here for our children. Its primary benefit is to those who haven’t yet been deeply conditioned. And while living authentically and with greater peace supports our process, it is through us this knowledge can reach future generations and change the frequency of this planet—one being at a time. Human Design empowers our children to make choices that are true to who they are.

If you raise your children according to their nature, they’re not going to have to get into the deconditioning business. They’re going to work through their life being able to see how to make decisions correctly as themselves. It’s not about hammering them. I don’t propagandize my children, I never have. It’s not about that. It’s not about trying to be the great positive conditioning force. I want to be there to be able to remind them of their uniqueness. This is my job. If I can constantly remind them of their uniqueness, if I can reward their uniqueness, if I can provide them with keys that are necessary for them in making decisions in their life, I’ve done a great job, because that’s the whole point.

~ Ra Uru Hu

Can you imagine what a gift it would have been if someone had told your parents how special and unique you were? —if your parents had been empowered to raise you with the knowledge you now have about your own Human Design? How would your life be different if you’d been encouraged to learn how to make choices that are right for you?

What if a Human Design Analyst had given your parents a genetic blueprint of your strengths, talents, and vulnerabilities? —if your parents knew what environment supports you, and what diet was correct for you?

What if your parents had been able to see that you were truly unique and hadn’t pressured you to be different from what you naturally are?

We can safely assume your parents would not have thought any of your particular characteristics—or even eccentricities—were symptoms of something being wrong with you. They could have raised you feeling secure about your place and purpose in the world. No fault, no blame—even the most loving parents can harm their children unknowingly by being unaware of their child’s true needs. But the sooner we can share this knowledge with those who are willing to try, the sooner we can start treating more of our children with respect for their nature, and the better chance they have of living a fulfilling life. Isn’t that what we all hope for our children—a life of fulfillment?


Learning Human Design Through Parenting by Design

I had this extraordinary experience not too long ago. I had a visit, a mother and child. Supposedly the child had problems. It was so interesting, this projection. I’ve had a favorite saying for so many years: people in white hats doing black work. It’s really nice that you love your children. It does not mean you’re being an advantage for them in this life at all. The fact that you love them, truly in a sense, doesn’t really mean anything. It is the knowing of them.

~ Ra Uru Hu

It’s critical to address Ra’s quote and relate it to what parents feel within themselves. That "I love my children" goes without saying. We love them because loving our children is our genetic instinct as parents. We often struggle and lack time to raise children in the way we envision, but there is always strength coming from our love and the instinct to keep them as safe and happy as possible.

We parents carry a lot of pressure that combines with the pressure taken in from society. This creates confusion and doubts, particularly around our educational paradigms. Confusion prevents parents from clearly seeing what kind of child they brought into the world, and we end up devoting too much attention to how children should behave to fit into society and be successful.

Consider that most parents who don’t know any better project their own values and expectations onto their children during their most impressionable and vulnerable conditioning stages of life. Most of this derives from deep, fear-based conditioning patterns, so children learn how to fear the world and fight their way through it instead of learning how to trust in themselves.


Centering on Your Child with Human Design Parenting states: “A study found that parents who were the most child-centric were also happier and derived greater meaning in life from having children."

‘These findings suggest that the more care and attention people give to others, the more happiness and meaning they experience. From this perspective, the more invested parents are in their children’s well-being — that is, the more ‘child centric’ parents are — the more happiness and meaning they will derive from parenting.’ Ashton-James et al. (2013)

Many parenting books try to offer the perfect solution on how to raise and feed children. And while they offer some very valuable insights and tools, the truth is that there is a unique way to treat each child. To educate with love is to allow the child to be themselves, no matter how the outer world conditions and influences them.

We see an enormous difference in children who are respected and raised to follow their natural way of operating and deciding. This creates a parent/child relationship of greater mutual trust and lightness of being. Parents are no longer seen as the authority but as engaging mentors providing a safe environment where children can evolve.

Giving children the freedom to be their own authority may seem scary at first. But this allows parents to guide their child to become themselves—no more, no less—exactly what the world needs. Human Design shows you what your child is here for, what avenues of life are going to be their strengths and capabilities. Human Design helps you understand the functions in life your children are here to express.

Rather than seeing something wrong with a child who appears “lazy,” a parent can embrace their child’s difference and celebrate it. Fulfilling your purpose requires that you are different from others, because this is why we 9-Centered humans are here—to be vastly different from one another. Being able to see your child for what and who they are is the first step in transcending the limitations contemporary culture places on you and your parenting.


Embracing the Uniqueness of your Child

Here are some free audios by Ra on Children by Type, and below that Defined & Undefined Solar Plexus:

For me, the whole thing is to embrace the uniqueness of your child… It’s got to be clear to you that this is a question of consciousness. I will give you nice techniques. But really, you have to grasp that this is about consciousness, it’s about being aware. And it’s about seeing that the moment that you have the gift—it’s a gift—to be able to see the design of your children, your friend’s children, your grandchildren, whatever it may be, that in that gift of being able to see them you can give them something very special. You can give them guidance that will enrich the rest of their lives, and will allow them to stay within themselves despite what the world around them is. This is what it’s all about.

~ Ra Uru Hu

These quotes from Ra were taken from A Human Design Guide to Parenting, included in a special Parenting offer we have for you. We hope you enjoy the wonder of watching your child blossom into the completely unique being they were born to be.

Andrea Abay-Abay

Andrea Abay-Abay, a 3/5 Emotional Projector on the Cross of Contagion, enjoys sharing her discoveries and feelings as a creative role model.


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