Open Heart


When I look at all of the openness that’s there in somebody's design, it is clear to me that the undefined Ego is what really creates the deepest dilemmas in humanity as a whole.

I think it varies individually from person to person, the impact that that has. After all, openness is something that is both deeply attractive, magical, romantic, obsessive, all of those things, and at the same time it's pure conditioning.

There is always the potential in any openness, that through awareness it becomes something that provides you with a great deal of wisdom.

Obviously somebody with an undefined Heart Center is here to understand what needs to be proved and what needs to be disproved. It knows what's worthy, it's here to know what's worthy.

And yet, when you look at the dilemma of the undefined Heart Center in the world as a whole, it is one of the things that grips the Not-Self mind so profoundly and so deeply because what it says to them is something that they've been conditioned to from the moment they came into the world. It says “you're not worthy,” and “you're not a good enough person.”

All those beings walking around with undefined Heart Centers are always dealing with this issue. “Am I really an adequate being?” “Am I a good person?” And always trying to prove it. And of course it's this proving it that leads to the great addiction of the Not-Self, which is to be addicted to what you're not.

Proving yourself worthy means doing things that you don't want to do, doing them for people you don't want to do them for, and doing them only because you have this incredible pressure on you out of that open Heart Center. That pressure the Not-Self delivers to the mind, the pressure that says we have to say yes because if we don't they’re not going to think we’re good people, or that we’re decent, or that we care, or all of the things that are going to impact one's sense of worthiness.

This whole question of worthiness is something that is a plague on the planet and it leads to the depth of the Not-Self in this endless search that people have for a variation of themselves that they think that they can find out there.

One of the first things I tell somebody that has an undefined Heart Center is “you have nothing to prove in this life.” You don’t. It’s an essential thing to understand if you have an undefined Heart Center, you have nothing to prove.

It is about living your life as yourself, not about getting caught in the traps this Center brings. We have a world that’s gone mad trying to prove itself worthy. All these human beings doing things that are not for them to do, that are not correct for them.

Human Design brings you Strategy and Authority, it brings you a way to navigate on this plane that has nothing to do with the way in which your mind operates under all of that pressure.

To have an undefined Heart Center, I think this is really a challenge, and I think that it's only through grasping the mechanics that truly you’re going to be able to liberate yourself from that kind of pain.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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