Love and Acceptance


Time for a moment on love.

Let's look at love from a totally different perspective. Let's just think about it for a moment as choiceless geometries. Like two birds flying along in space together, choiceless in their geometries.

You know the mystery of love? People never figure out why it starts and why it ends. They don't know why. They don’t know why because they were never in control in the first place and they’re not in control in the end.

Most human beings suffer because of this—because they're unaware and they're not-self. They assume it is something they started and something they can finish—and those who think they should finish it and discover they can’t, suffer.

It's about acceptance, and not just simply about acceptance. It’s about taking each day for what it truly is. This is the plane, this is where we are, and this is what we’re here to take in through our process. It is the beauty of what's possible for us.

When we flail around against the limitations of what it is to be in one of these forms we miss the beauty. When we get stuck in the love game with measurement, we miss the beauty.

The thing that I love so much about Human Design is that it helps you see people for what they are, not what they’re not. There is no expectation for them to be different than what they are. And if you get stuck in that, you’re a fool—and you will suffer.

Love is not about why you got in, or if and when it will ever end. It is about accepting what you have right there, right then.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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Do you want rewarding relationships? Do you want the problems that you've had in relating with others in the past to disappear?

Split Definitions and Relationships
Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

Split Definitions and Relationships

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