Your Truth


Are you willing to trust someone else about what is correct for you in your life?

Human beings believe things, trust things. In the homogenized world, they will tell you that you should do this or that to be healthy, do this or that to be awake.

There are so many human beings that just follow along blindly. It's the beauty of Human Design, that it’s not about believing; and it certainly isn't about believing me, that’s not the point.

The point is that this is knowledge you can test yourself.

What is truth after all? The only truth is your truth, the revelation of truth within yourself. Truth that you can taste, that you can feel. Truth that is so clear and apparent to you. This is not something you can take in from somebody else.

What we take in from the other is information. Human Design provides you with mechanical information about the nature of your unique Design, and it recommends that in order to fulfil the potential of that unique Design you need to operate according to a Strategy & Authority. Don't believe that, try it, experiment with it.

It is what this knowledge is for, it is not about intellectual pursuit. It is about the transformation of the life, and it begins with an experiment. It is not about whether it is my truth, it's about whether it is truly your truth.

The validity of this process, the beauty of this process, is not something you can believe. It is something for you to live. Experiment with your Strategy & Authority, it really can make an incredible difference in your life.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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