Stories & Articles tagged with Human Design Concepts

Showing 1 to 6 (of 32 items)
  • The Potential of Dream Analysis
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Potential of Dream Analysis

    Most people, when they think about the potential of dream analysis, they’re just curious about whether you can decipher them into some kind of concrete meaning...

  • The Personality Crystal, Design Crystal and the Magnetic Monopole
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Personality Crystal, Design Crystal and the Magnetic Monopole

    When you think about Design, a wonderful place to go is here in the center of the G Center, the identity. In here, we have what's called the Magnetic Monopole, that which holds us together in the illusion of our separateness

  • The True Teacher: Profile Motivation
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The True Teacher: Profile Motivation

    This is the Science of Differentiation. Here is the opportunity to really begin to see Profile and to really begin to see the costume. It’s one of my favorite things to think about when you think about Profile, it’s a costume.

  • The 2nd Tone: Attuned to Mutation
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The 2nd Tone: Attuned to Mutation

    This is the whole thing about the 2nd Tone. It's the thing that makes us so mysterious as creatures because it's the only thing we have that can recognize something that's never been recognized before.

  • Understand the Design to Understand Lines
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Understand the Design to Understand Lines

    There are so many different things that I can show you in relationship to Lines. Again, it begins with something that is very important to grasp. That is, the assumption is that you read a Line for its own value, but you can’t.

  • Humans Needed the Mystical Way
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    Humans Needed the Mystical Way

    It’s extraordinary, this search, and we see it in so many ways. Whether you see it as esoteric, New Age, counterculture, traditional, this and that and all the various things, this is the end of it.

Showing 1 to 6 (of 32 items)