The Gates of Melancholy

2 hours + ebook transcript

Topics include:

  • Explore the 22 Gates of Melancholy
  • Learn which Center has the most potential for depression
  • Investigate the 3 different Individual Circuits and their unique themes of melancholy
  • Understand the difference between experiencing Melancholy through a Gate vs a whole Channel

Feelings such as melancholy and sadness are often interpreted as a sign that something is wrong. This can lead to looking for reasons or seeking out professional help for ways to fix those feelings. But what if experiencing these feelings serves a greater purpose?

In Human Design, melancholy is the result of the chemistry that comes with Individual Circuitry. Because Individual Gates and Channels dominate the BodyGraph, the potential for experiencing personal transformation is often accompanied by feelings of sadness, or even depression.

Join Ra in The Gates of Melancholy, a 2-hour lecture (audio + new ebook transcript—here's a sample), as he discusses the topics of melancholy and creativity in the context of every Gate and Channel in the Individual Circuits of the BodyGraph.

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2 hours + ebook transcript

Topics include:

  • Explore the 22 Gates of Melancholy
  • Learn which Center has the most potential for depression
  • Investigate the 3 different Individual Circuits and their unique themes of melancholy
  • Understand the difference between experiencing Melancholy through a Gate vs a whole Channel