The Life Force: The Channels

11 hour audio + eBook transcript


The relationship between Gates and Channels
Ra explains how juxtaposition creates our life force

Undefined Channels
Learn how open Channels affect you

Consistency in Life
Understand how the energetic imprint of a Channel creates an ever-present force in your life

Finding Purpose in Life
Learn how your Channels enrich your essence and potential

What do Channels tell us about our own Circuitry, and how does Circuitry affect your Design?

The Changing of the Global Cycle in 2027
Understand how the Global Cycle change affects the Channels

Format Channels
Discover how to live with the pressures of the Format energies


For many of us, discovering Human Design and our BodyGraph felt something like coming home to ourselves. For the first time things that were true for us, as revealed by our BodyGraph, gave us insight into how we were meant to function in our lives and in the world; and that insight was presented without judgement. It was refreshing and exhilarating to come to a better understanding of ourselves without being urged to change anything about ourselves. The only thing we were urged to do was to understand who we are, trust that understanding and make choices that allowed us to live out our Design.

Human Design can be fascinatingly deep and complex, and at the same time, simple and direct. As Ra Uru Hu said, “The simple things in Human Design are often left behind, and at great risk; because despite its depth, it is in fact simple knowledge. It is knowledge where its great secrets are very obvious and on the surface. ...and nothing is more profound than the Channel itself.”

The Life Force energies of the Channels is one of the least explored areas in Human Design. A great deal of written and audio material is available about Gates, but there has been very limited information on the Channels. Channels are often examined in association with the interpretation of the values of the Gates, with Channels being the way those values can be brought together.

But the 36 life force energies of the Channels are much more than that. They establish the way in which we can each operate correctly. Out of the Channels, we find what is consistent and reliable in expressing our true nature. In the BodyGraph, Channels exist through connection — those places in the BodyGraph where two Gates connect to form a Channel between two Centers. If both Gates are activated in our chart, then the Channel is colored in on the BodyGraph and is easy to spot; it’s an indication that the Centers are defined, and there is a fixed, consistent movement of energy.

So Channels serve as guides to how we engage with the world — they indicate our frequency. The defined Channels in your BodyGraph help you understand how to express your innate nature authentically— your life force, your health, your vitality, your spirit and your mental acuity. They show you where your power is. They reveal your essence, the ways in which you are different from anybody else. And they show your promise — what you were designed to bring into the world.

Ra Uru Hu explored the impact of the Channels in an 11-lecture course he originally taught in 2008: The Life Force: The Channels, previously available only as a 180-page eBook (here's an excerpt). This course offers newcomers as well as long-time students an in-depth examination of the Channel as a quantum expression of the 64 Gates. 

Join Ra for The Life Force: The Channels to discover how your own Design is unique, and to understand how your BodyGraph gives insight to your purpose in life. View the Lessons tab for a description of each lesson.

Lesson 1
From Pressure to Conceptualization
What is consistent in our lives, and how are we differentiated? Where do essence, our life force, and our gifts show up in our chart? In this first lesson, Ra introduces the Channels and pressure Centers, and focuses on the three Channels between the Head and the Ajna. Learn which beings exert the most influential conditioning forces on the planet, and how Channels reveal how we can operate correctly.

Lesson 2
The Metamorphic Life Forces
The Channels between the Ajna and the Throat pinpoint the most human aspect of our evolutionary process. With the mutation of the dropping of the larynx came the ability to articulate, which distinguishes us from all other life forms and gives us an enormous advantage. Learn how these metamorphic life forces enable the Personality to express individual experience as a means of communicating uniqueness.

Lesson 3
Integration: The Survival Force
What defines Integration? The channels that form the circuit of Integration lie at the core of our individuality and mark the strategic survival zone, that which helps us stay alive. Those who carry Integration are deeply individual, non-social “lone wolves.” But without the emphasis on individual survival, would the Tribe and Collective be able to survive? Learn what the Integration Channels can teach each of us about how to survive and operate in the world.

Lesson 4
The Forces of Expressed Identity
The three Channels between the Throat and G Center present a force that goes beyond the individual process. These energies are designed to have impact, and to influence others. The way in which we operate in the world is rooted here, and the expression of these forces guarantees the survival of the group. Understand the inherent patterns within these channels that help abate the insecurity of humans.

Lesson 5
The Tantric Forces
For most people, the word “Tantra” is associated with sex. In terms of Human Design, Tantra is not connected with sex; rather, the Tantric forces that form the connection betwen the Sacral and the G Center are fundamental to the way in which we live our lives, while their dysfunction contributes to the great ailments on this planet. Learn how to apply these powerful Tantric energies for true direction and identity in your life.

Lesson 6
The Formats
The Format Channels between the Sacral Center and Root Center are pressurized energies that drive us hard, and as Not-Self, lock us into the rat race of life. These energies exert a powerful influence on all Channels and the Design as a whole. Each of us can find nuances of the Format energies in our charts. Ra demonstrates how to work with these pressures in a positive way.

Lesson 7
Experimental & Experiential Forces
Humans learn by doing. The experiential and experimental Channels are part of the Collective Circuitry that contains and maintains the world. The experimental side investigates the pattern of life and looks to fix what does not work, while the human experiential way describes the living, feeling, breathing journey through life. Learn how we can move along this earthly plane differently from others, and express our uniqueness without adhering to rules.

Lesson 8
The Mutating Forces
The Individual Channels represent our deepest creative potential to enrich our lives and bring us to a place of unique knowing. This is a mutative force that is driving Individuality toward its ultimate expression. The most creative thing anyone can do is to discover and express themselves uniquely. What is your ultimate expression? Are you expressing yourself through homogenized concepts — or as a differentiated work of art?

Lesson 9
The Forces of Preservation
The Channels of Preservation are grounded in the genetic Role Gates. Their theme is not just preservation of the individual, but rather that of the human species. With the coming of 2027, this life force is going to change its focus. How can we help future generations persevere during this mutative transition? Learn how the individual can become liberated from the program’s overwhelming momentum toward the future.

Lesson 10
The Supporting Forces
The supporting Channels are conditioned by genetics, and hold our society together; they are the glue that locks us into our way of life. This is the Tribe with its need to grow, to control the environment, and maintain its economies. But as Nine-Centered beings, we are operating within a very different matrix in deeply transformational times. What does this mean for the Tribe and our society as a whole?

Lesson 11
The Forces of Diversity | The Heart Center and the Tribe
This final lesson focuses on two of the Channels coming out of the Ego (Heart) Center. One Channel describes the power of the Tribe through its particular dynamics; the other the Individuality of uniqueness. Each carries different energies and focus, and yet there exists a deep and necessary relationship between these two Channels. Now is the time to see our unique potential, and Human Design provides the techniques necessary to fulfill that potential.

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11 hour audio + eBook transcript


The relationship between Gates and Channels
Ra explains how juxtaposition creates our life force

Undefined Channels
Learn how open Channels affect you

Consistency in Life
Understand how the energetic imprint of a Channel creates an ever-present force in your life

Finding Purpose in Life
Learn how your Channels enrich your essence and potential

What do Channels tell us about our own Circuitry, and how does Circuitry affect your Design?

The Changing of the Global Cycle in 2027
Understand how the Global Cycle change affects the Channels

Format Channels
Discover how to live with the pressures of the Format energies
