
Featured Audios

In this category find a selection of featured audios, ranging from personal development to relationship guidance to the advanced education and mystical teachings of Ra Uru Hu.

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Showing 19 to 24 (of 30 items)
  • The 16 Orientations of Awakening

    The 16 Orientations of Awakening

    What if there was a way to understand humanity based on different aspects of Awareness? Discover the 16 variations of awakening through the variable consciousness field.
  • Rave History 2: The Dictate of the Dark Eden

    Rave History 2: The Dictate of the Dark Eden

    How do global cycles affect humanity? Discover each of the Lock and Key Gates of the Mandala, and how they explain the conditioning patterns that govern 400-year cycles.
  • The Word | RA1.2

    The Word | RA1.2

    The Throat Center is the center of manifestation, and each of its 11 Gates are connected to the voice. Join Ra in examining the difference between open and defined Throats, and how the defined Throat can get locked in to influence us through not-self strategies.
  • The Way of the Generator

    The Way of the Generator

    Ra explores the "respondability", secret binaries, and Sacral energy that are pathways to the Generator’s signature: satisfaction and fulfillment.
  • The 64 Evolutionary Steps

    The 64 Evolutionary Steps

    Go on a journey of our evolution from beginning to end. This is the only course that explains the sequencing of the 64 Hexagrams around the Rave Mandala and provides an in-depth explanation of each Gate. Now includes eBook.
  • Gender Differentiation Gates | RA1.7

    Gender Differentiation Gates | RA1.7

    Gender differentiation is deeply imprinted in our consciousness. Learn how this conditioning differentiation manifests, and how to step back from the not-self mind to live in correctness.
Showing 19 to 24 (of 30 items)